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Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2011
Davison, Mi, Michigan
I just read this article about the Russian sub in the Gulf of Mexico for a month undetected. Also had an artile recently of Russia wanting to put a naval base in Cuba. I'm thinking back to 1962 and the Cuban missle crisis. I was in the Navy in boot camp when that happened. I was one or two weeks short of being sent to the block aid.
Think the powers to be have the kahonas to try and stop it. It was a nucular sub withnucular missle on it. What is the difference from the1962 incident-still nucular misslles. And Putin isn't Kruschev.:eek:


As they say, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!"

I certainly hope our Commander in Chief never get complacent and believes it could never happen, because this is the time it will happen.
Well I think the international waters extend only like 12 miles off the coast at low tide, so they can be there. I am pretty sure we do the same. Why would it matter if a sub loaded with nukes is off our coast or sitting in Cuba at a port? It can still hit us just as fast.

Back during th Cuban missle crisis I don't think we/anyone has nukes on subs at that time. So, moot point.
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Don't think Romney or Obama would have the guts that Kennedy did. The last president that would have had the guts was probably Reagan. And that would have been his first term. I'm a firm believer that he had alzheimers in his second term.
Don't think Romney or Obama would have the guts that Kennedy did. The last president that would have had the guts was probably Reagan. And that would have been his first term. I'm a firm believer that he had alzheimers in his second term.

Obama pulled the trigger on Bin Laden. You gotta be kidding. Bush Jr, said killing him was not important. Memory seems to be a disabilitating problem with you older guys. :D
You mean "is not" near as dangerous as Putin. Did you see how he just threw in the Pussy Band in jail for 2 years just because of the song they sang??

Putin is a bada** MF'er. But I think Obama could take him in a round of basketball. :D
Last time they met at the White House it looked like they were ready to duke it out.

Me, I'd rather have Obama there than silly ole Romney or Bush Jr. They are both over rated pansies. Look, I tell you this because I am great at reading people. I was practically raised on the street, street smarts. I know a bullshyter when I see or hear one.
Last time they met at the White House it looked like they were ready to duke it out.

Me, I'd rather have Obama there than silly ole Romney or Bush Jr. They are both over rated pansies. Look, I tell you this because I am great at reading people. I was practically raised on the street, street smarts. I know a bullshyter when I see or hear one.
Ya know it's an insecurity thing attaching Bush to anything and everyone that ya don't like.
Bush is not running, Palin is not running, Reagan is not running, ...nope, not Cheney either. ........so I think your side needs to try to find reality at some point. What has the commander in chief accomplished in 4 years?
What did he promise?
What did he deliver?
What did he cave in on? (everything?)
Even the Democratic party need change. Why not Hillery? Much better of the two evils.
You do realize Bush is not running and also that conservatives are not all that thrilled with Romney 'cause he is way to middle of the road for them?
I bet you guys will be blamin' Bush for spent gum stuck on your shoes for the next 10 years. :D
Bush is no threat to you anymore, OK? OK? He's not the president, and he has ceased to voice his politics anymore....... and oh yes, one more thing.
Unfortunately he isn't running again............. EVER!
So stop using Bush as a cheap shot to pin to everything ya don't like on. sheesh, might as well say Carter or Jefferson.
You do that, and I promise to remove the monogrammed door mat that I use to scrape the neighbors dog doo off with. :D
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Sorry, but a lot of the current problems are carried over from the Bush years. His tax cuts just made the deficit worse. The current House won't let the president try his ideas. I am not a fan of Obama, but Clinton had things on the right track until Bush messed up everything. No one could fix all the Bush screwups in 4 years.
The Republicans keep saying that tax cuts will boost the economy, well we haved lived with the Bush tax cuts for almost 12 years and the job situation has just got worse.
Rich people do not spend what they save on taxes, they just put it away. so it can't boost the economy.
Rusty was Clinton the right track with Monica under the desk? I think he was the one that made it possible for all the companies to move out of the country, wasn't he?
Lets face it they all make mistakes. some just bigger than others and more often.

It wasn't tax cuts that caused the housing bubble to form and to burst. Government mandated loans to people that could not really afford them is the reason that we are where we are today.
......well, that plus unsavory loan practices.

Greed was a biggie, yes. Government was the problem. They should never have allowed or mandated loan percentages to be dealt out to those that can't afford it. The government ought to be setting and enforcing rules when there are hundreds of billion, or trillions of dollars flowing like they do in the housing market. It ought to be fixed, but I think even today, nothing much has changed.
Aren't there rules as to how much money a bank has to have on hand in liquid assets? I think through this worldwide fiasco, it would be extremely easy to do number crunching on what constitutes a good or a risky home loan? .......I mean, if a family of 4 has a monthly income of $2,100, should they qualify for a home loan with payments of $1400 per month?
....um, ......not at my bank. I know there are real numbers for this kinda stuff.............. Start regulating right here.
.........and regulate buying and trading of those loans, so they don't get traded 5 or 20 times down the road in pyramid scheme fashion. Fixin this ought to be obvious to the powers that be. This mess can't be allowed to happen again.

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Rusty was Clinton the right track with Monica under the desk? I think he was the one that made it possible for all the companies to move out of the country, wasn't he?
Lets face it they all make mistakes. some just bigger than others and more often.


Be fair Daris..... Bush Sr was part of that too. Problem is that the gate opened too quickly and we couldn't compete.
What happened was eventually gonna happen anyway.
...it should have happened over 10 year or 20 years instead of the splash dam approach.
Be fair Daris..... Bush Sr was part of that too. Problem is that the gate opened too quickly and we couldn't compete.
What happened was eventually gonna happen anyway.
...it should have happened over 10 year or 20 years instead of the splash dam approach.

How far back do ya think the blame can go-maybe Washington? Really I'm not into the politics so much as I think it is a fixed deal with the electorol college deciding things anyway.
I used to work for the guy that was the deciding vote if a tie in Michigan. He was the biggest repubicant you could ever talk to so I knew which way his vote would go. He and I discussed this many times. If it was done by popular vote I may think differently but then Bush wouldn't have beaten Gore.

Clinton was blackmailed into signing that document. The republicants said they wouldn't go after him for Monica if he signed it. See, never trust a republicant. Besides I know Daris wouldn't turn Monica down. :D

The actual cause of the economy crashing was the damn press, if they would not have scared the living shyt out of everyone it would not have cascaded like it did. Everyone stopped buying stuff which made it even worse than it was. It was like domino's.
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How far back do ya think the blame can go-maybe Washington? Really I'm not into the politics so much as I think it is a fixed deal with the electorol college deciding things anyway.
I used to work for the guy that was the deciding vote if a tie in Michigan. He was the biggest repubicant you could ever talk to so I knew which way his vote would go. He and I discussed this many times. If it was done by popular vote I may think differently but then Bush wouldn't have beaten Gore.

I only said that so Stephen would think I'm "Fair and balanced" .... like Fox. :D
Naw, there is blame to spread however one wants to spin it. Not much spinin' tho on where the budget stands today. Eight years is good for some, four years is way too much the current resident. At some point, the current resident owns what he bought. Can't use the blame game forever, when you promised to make it better.
.......I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony...............
............'cmon, everybody now! :D

Clinton was blackmailed into signing that document. The republicants said they wouldn't go after him for Monica if he signed it. See, never trust a republicant. Besides I know Daris wouldn't turn Monica down. :D

The actual cause of the economy crashing was the damn press, if they would not have scared the living shyt out of everyone it would not have cascaded like it did. Everyone stopped buying stuff which made it even worse than it was. It was like domino's.

The press likes negativity, so the worse they make it sound, the more money they make by getting the most hits.
......and because of the doom and gloom, people and businesses stop planning and spending.
Nice call on that one Ernesto.
Just remember, all the experts say the recession started in 2007.
From my viewpoint, it started in 2001. Both my installation and woodworking business started a steep decline right after Sept 11. I think the attack shook the American confidence.
I had the best summer that I had ever had for both businesses that summer, and I could show with my books that it dropped way off after the 11th. Just like throwing a switch. For example a show I did in Oct. every year, the sales in 2000 were $2500. and in 2001 $600. They both improved some later but were never as busy again. I closed the woodworking in 2006.
Just remember, all the experts say the recession started in 2007.
From my viewpoint, it started in 2001. Both my installation and woodworking business started a steep decline right after Sept 11. I think the attack shook the American confidence.
I had the best summer that I had ever had for both businesses that summer, and I could show with my books that it dropped way off after the 11th. Just like throwing a switch. For example a show I did in Oct. every year, the sales in 2000 were $2500. and in 2001 $600. They both improved some later but were never as busy again. I closed the woodworking in 2006.

I agree with the 911 being a big part of the downfall. I also agree that the press makes mountains out of molehills and prints much more than it should. There are times you would think they are telling the problem to get someone to go for it to make another great story. Kind of like telling how to make a bomb and telling where the easiest place would be to set it off and cause the most harm.
Hey for once 4 of us agree on something. But Monica doesn't do anything for me. Didn't back then either.


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