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  • zannej
    zannej replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    Cats called a truce and set aside their grievances for a few hours so they could pile on top of me but when I got up to use the bathroom...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to Tile Tom's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Don’t forget, you’re not 16 anymore!! That means no bunny hops, endo’s, rooster tails, wheelies, etc. I feel like if I had...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to C.J.'s post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    I think we all need to learn how to slow down a bit😁 Easier said than done though. I would say the main motivator for me was I want to...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Years ago, one of the back roads I traveled on the weekends, had a large slide. It would take a year to find funds to repair it, so they...
  • T
    Tile Tom replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    Don’t forget, you’re not 16 anymore!! That means no bunny hops, endo’s, rooster tails, wheelies, etc. I feel like if I had...
  • Floorist
    Floorist reacted to C.J.'s post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    I think we all need to learn how to slow down a bit😁 Easier said than done though. I would say the main motivator for me was I want to...
  • C.J.
    C.J. replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    I think we all need to learn how to slow down a bit😁 Easier said than done though. I would say the main motivator for me was I want to...
  • Floorist
    Floorist replied to the thread Los Angeles wildfires, 2025.
    Just like in NY. The state told cell phone companies that they must offer a $15 a month plan. So A T & T pulled out of the state.
  • C.J.
    C.J. reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Years ago, one of the back roads I traveled on the weekends, had a large slide. It would take a year to find funds to repair it, so they...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Discussing politics and religion.
    Any of the people pardoned can still be subpoenaed to testify. They can't be charged with the crime they were subpoenaed to talk about...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    Years ago, one of the back roads I traveled on the weekends, had a large slide. It would take a year to find funds to repair it, so they...
  • highup
    highup reacted to C.J.'s post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Never did feel safe riding my bike in the Carolinas. Everybody is on their cell phones and sooner or later you’re gonna get thumped...
  • Commercial Floor Rep
    I already have the LVP delivered. Currently we have carpet in all bedrooms except the master bedroom now. I probably can still level all...
  • TNGuy
    TNGuy replied to the thread How level should the floor be?.
    I already have the LVP delivered. Currently we have carpet in all bedrooms except the master bedroom now. I probably can still level all...
  • zannej
    zannej replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    I never had good enough balance to ride a bike. How the hell do you ride something with the handlebars below the seat? Looks like it...