Groceries up

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Don't be surprised to see groceries go way up. Corn price is up 38% and wheat 24% because of the drought. Hay has doubled in price so beef will go up too. Everything in my area has burnt. The only ones with tomatoes are the Amish. They have a horse powered irrigation system. Been 100 or higher almost every day since June 1st. And we have had 1/2" of rain since then. I assume it's bad almost everywhere.
They are playing with the price of gas going up and then start back down here. Sure takes longer for it to go down than it does up. Used to be 20 cents a pop now its 40 or higher. Just went up to $3.59 this past weekend and its down to $3.53 today. There was an article in the paper that Speedway controls the pricing in 7 or 8 states in the midwest. They are the first to go up but also the first to start back down.

If they stopped making so much shine outa that corn and adding it to the gas, everything would be cheaper.
Missouri corn.

Been getting a good amount of monsoon rains here in Tucson, down south of us along the border even more so. We actually have our own Patagonia down here next to the border. It has been getting so much rain the grass is three feet tall along the road. The hills are a stunning green as well.I was doing inspections down near Patagoina AZ the other day. When your used to looking at desert it can be a stunning sight.

There is even a lumber company there where you can pick up some lumber and do some Pilates at the same time.

Gant Haartz Cohen 025.JPG
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Yea, it's a whole nuther world down south. And up north we have vast amounts of forests so it ain't all desert.
A farmer on CBS news said that ethanol consumption of corn has driven prices up so high that he can't afford to feed his hogs. Normally he would raise enough corn himself, but the drought has wiped out most of his crop.
We should stop that shyt. The Brazilians have been making ethanol outa sugar cane for ever and it makes more ethanol per acre than corn. Think of all the swamp land we have that could be used for cane.
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It costs more to make gas from ethanol to begin with .

Farmers are suppose to have a federal subsidized insurance .