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Flooring Forum

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  1. 4

    Some help needed with LVT

    That’s a relief. Thanks! Does this include over plywood subfloor? If I put a thin layer of skim coat over the plywood, will that potentially crumble underneath the vinyl after the abuse from a scooter?
  2. 4

    Some help needed with LVT

    The bedrooms have what I think are VCT tiles, like the type of glue down tiles you’d find in a school or hospital.
  3. 4

    Some help needed with LVT

    My grandpa has a motorized scooter, which apparently weighs a lot… It’s chewed through the carpet that was in their house, and then it ate through click-lock planks within a year. We decided to install glue down LVT in hopes that it can withstand those caster wheels digging into the floor when...
  4. 4

    Hi everyone 👋

    Hello, just wanted to introduce myself! I’m just a girl in my early 30’s who likes off-roading and mudding 🤪 I flip houses as means of income, and have increasingly began doing more of my own fixer-upper work. I’m a long time reader of this forum, and have learned a lot here, so wanted to...