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Flooring Forum

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  1. B

    Basement floor pillar question

    I'm in the process of patching and skim coating the basement, and one of the pillars is sitting on a rock or something, and I'm trying to figure out if it would make sense to try patching and coating it using concrete, or if there are any extra concerns I should be considering.
  2. B

    LVP over 1880's Floor

    Thanks for all the responses, it's really helped us figure everything out. We've decided that our best option will be to put aside the LVP approach for now in favor of a three step approach: Step 1, shim the drooping boards up to something close to level. Step 2, tighten everything up, and...
  3. B

    LVP over 1880's Floor

    Thanks for the reply. The floor is very solid, except from the settling of a 150 year old 3 story Victorian giving us some height variations. There are some loose squeaking nails that give a hint of flex that we plan to tighten up with screws, but nothing really bouncing at all. One shaky 12"...
  4. B

    LVP over 1880's Floor

    We are planning a LVP project (our first attempt) that will be going atop an old knotty wide plank (6") floor that is most likely original to the circa 1880 building the apartment is located in. Obvious settling has occurred, with on large area that is depressed a good 1/2" or more. From our...