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  1. EliteFloors

    Floor equipment theft

    I couldn't imagine being robed of my equipment at gun point. Anyone on here ever hear things like that?!
  2. EliteFloors

    Crazy vehicle thefts
  3. EliteFloors

    Need to know what type of flooring i have

    Dolph- Looks to be solid 3/4" red oak. Hope that helps, tim
  4. EliteFloors

    Refinish floors done 15 years ago

    Go to and get a few companies out to give u a bid. Then u can address doing the job when they are doing the estimate. It all depends on your layout & which direction your flooring is running. Anything is possible, just have to find the right people to do it. Saying that, as a floor...
  5. EliteFloors

    Transition piece left poly marks. Now what?

    Ernesto is definitely right on this one! Looks like your floor guy did what was best, he overlapped the flooring to make a wider safer reducer. The wider the btr because it can be on less of an angle to prevent a tripping hazard. I don't know what else u could expect!
  6. EliteFloors

    Homerwood wide plank

    Looks great! Always fun scribing around stone
  7. EliteFloors

    Homerwood wide plank

    Did an 8" floor about a month ago now. I added an extra $1.25 per sq ft and came out pretty good. We still rack out after leaving about a 18" for the glue. We always put the glue on the sub floor tho
  8. EliteFloors

    How to fix water stains?

    Usually over lacquer, they would apply paste wax. That would explain why it turned white. I would try a small amount of paste wax for floors with 0000 steel wool. Should take care of it
  9. EliteFloors

    Tile saw?

    Sweet thanks I'll take a look at that for sure. Only rail saw I ever had was a cheaper qep like 300. Never liked it much.
  10. EliteFloors

    Tile saw?

    Thanks, definitely want something btr than a rigid. Looking at the mk also looking at this.
  11. EliteFloors

    Tile saw?

    What tile saws is everyone using? Got some big showers & floors coming up, so was going to invest in a new saw to make things faster hopefully! Need something to be able to cut at least 18" on a 45. Thanks in advance for the replies
  12. EliteFloors

    Swirl Marks NEED HELP

    Well all I know is I haven't used a buffer for between coat machine. For the last 10 years been using a square buff with maroon pad & 220 grit sanding tape. Can't beat the results. Works exactly like I need every time
  13. EliteFloors

    2 issues - Too light new floorboards and dark stain.

    Looks good jason! Good call sanding it the rest of the way down
  14. EliteFloors

    Floor direction for new hardwood over 1925 hardwood on sleepers?

    Or u could always install the new flooring on a 45 deg angle that would b the best of both worlds. Make it stronger & look amazing!!
  15. EliteFloors

    2 issues - Too light new floorboards and dark stain.

    Looks like u did a great job with the repairs. What did u use to sand everything? Doesn't really look like everything is flat with the repairs! What are u planning to do with the floors? Clear poly or stain? Water or oil based?