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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Photography 2.
    Too artsy?
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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Photography 2.
    Hardly any wind the last few days. Not so good when forestry land nearby is being burnt clean before rains set in good. I worked 30...
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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    It's a rental, so............ it's a rental. Sometimes landlords just want the floor covered. I mean, they don't live there. 😉
  • highup
    highup reacted to MSLI's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    How about I just do the radius thing monyana and call it a day on this one. I’ll pass the info on for the next one, stay tuned.
  • highup
    highup posted the thread MAGA Gas Prices in The Bucket.
    I may be starting this topic early, but the stock market and Bitcoin started rising immediately after the polls appeared to be leaning...
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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Discussing politics and religion.
    Thanks..... Reality just hasn't sunk in for her. The wound is severe and fresh, so she's just lashing out without thinking. Now.....if a...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    Here's what I would do. I'd remove the appliances and the baseboards, then buy more material and install it the other direction. I'd pay...
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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    I gotta ask what were lookin' at.
  • highup
    highup reacted to zannej's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    The estimate for just the air handle (which can be replaced without replacing the condenser) was more than it cost to install a...
  • highup
    highup reacted to C.J.'s post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    I added on to my steam box so I could work with longer pieces. Here is how far I’ve gotten today. This stuff follows pretty nicely. I...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Discussing politics and religion.
    I'm not college educated like Sonny Hostin, or whatever her name is, so eloquence isn't part of my written language. She's a racist...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Discussing politics and religion.
    I don't see no stinkin' charges. "Poof", gone. 💥
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    I hope she's enjoying the stardom and is making good money from it. She's devoted so much of her working life to it..... where else...
  • highup
    highup reacted to C.J.'s post in the thread What did you do today? with Haha Haha.
    Jewelry isn’t really our thing. I did buy her a ring once but other than that I think I lucked out cus jewelry is expensive. The FIL...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What’s Cookin.
    .....well, if that was set in front of me... 🤣