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  • highup
    highup reacted to Al from Durham's post in the thread Pearls Before Swine Today with Like Like.
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Los Angeles wildfires, 2025.
    Comedy=sanity 😉. Gotta cope somehow.
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Trimming woven seams.
    That would be great. What defines a Wilton? I know a face to face.... If this was that, I would have weft the country. 😁 I'm getting...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Stop grinning.
    One more short vidjeo. ..... that's my plastic knee pads creekin', not my knees
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Stop grinning.
    My initial issue was the grinning. Had I stretched the carpet, then trimmed and tucked it in, any grinning was whatever it was.... Not...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Stop grinning.
    Here's how it went down. Upon experimenting with the gap between the tile and the tackstrip, I tested early on and decided since the...
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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Trimming woven seams.
    Well, I seamed that second piece on yesterday, then started figuring out the stretching sequence....wow, more involved than I was...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Trimming woven seams.
    Just about done and it's working excellent. Lernt sompin new today.
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Trimming woven seams.
    Stay tacks on a 23 in seam. Nope.... last minute thought was my stair stretcher. Damn, this is gonna be goodntight. 👍 Would be awkward...
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  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Los Angeles wildfires, 2025.
    Enough of my antics. From a shipping channel, some how's and whys with something constructive.
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Los Angeles wildfires, 2025.
    ......well then, that solved one problem. No ground cover to ever burn again. How about concrete lawns.... Dyed concrete (never have to...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Thought of the day ..
    My new building and zoning regulations have just 4 requirements. Must be made of cement or other masonry materials and rebar or steel...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Los Angeles wildfires, 2025.
    If there's enough salt,will it absorb the rainfall, thus stopping a landslide? ........asking for a friend.
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread Thought of the day ..
    If I blame Newsome for his failures, like saving a non native fish and removing dams that could assist during wildfires and provide...
  • highup
    highup replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    That's looking a lot better now. Before shampooing, it want a much more powerful vacuum to be used first. Even if you have to rent...