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  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Global warming sucks. I'm selling my S10 and buying an E-bike. ....😁
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    We hit 98 yesterday and 100 at noon today . it was 83 till 8:15 and it's finally dropping well be 73 by 9 pm. We're not used to this...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Better for you than me.😁 Better for them too... ......because I wouldn't show up. 😂 I tip my hat to guys like you that can not just do...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Most likely a lithium battery. I use those in my game cam. $26 for an 8 pack of AA's, but they work excellent in cold temperatures...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to Floorist's post in the thread What did you do today? with Sad Sad.
    My wife has an omnlpod. They are junk. The battery can drop from 80% to 0 in an hour. 2nd one she has had and both were junk. The sensor...
  • zannej
    zannej replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    LOL. Fippy can be very sweet but he is a grumpy little dog. I was trying to cuddle him and he was growling at me until Mom started...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to havasu's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Ah, my beloved Fippy!
  • zannej
    zannej replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    Changed out Mom's insulin cartridge and tubing last night but her sugar would not come down. Was stuck on high. It finally went down to...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to Csason's post in the thread What did you do today? with Love Love.
    We are pretty far along on 220 yards of Tarkett welded cove and cap for Publix pharmacy compounding . This is a processing area for...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to Csason's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    Check out monkeywerx he is a dude that has military flight controls exp and has a YouTube channel where he covers flight patterns very...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    9 pm and it's still 82 in the house, but cooled to 70 outside. It's gonna be clear tonight, so I'm putting my game cam outside pointed...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Love Love.
    I was right. We only got up to 98. 🙄 I should be a meteorologist. Tomorrow ....the same or warmer. It will be warmer tonight than...
  • zannej
    zannej replied to the thread What did you do today?.
    That's what I figured. I didn't feel like it would be safe to walk on the boards. There is a piece of plywood up there. I should bring...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Wow Wow.
    Warm one yesterday, a high of 87. This morning was 46, but by 10:15 this morning it was 89. It's just before noon and 93. On the bright...
  • zannej
    zannej reacted to highup's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
    I have neighbors that buy some large fireworks every year or two. Last night was fairly good, but it was a different neighbor and I only...