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You one busy and all around knowledgeable man. It doesn't surprise me that you're not just a volunteer there, but have moved up in rank.
The focus on the snail is spot on. I think I have one snail photo in my collection. Similar with a yellow leaf but not nearly the detail. slugs that I can recall.
..but I'm losing my recall, so maybe. 😁
Thanks Hi!

I actually just got on the waiting list here in our county to go through the training and certification to become an Indiana Master Naturalist. With that certification I would be able to do teaching nature hikes with small groups in our local preserves, state parks, and nature learning centers. It's a fairly significant undertaking. Lots of classes on botany, preservation, water quality, invasive species of plants and bugs, and both macro and micro ecology systems. I'm hoping that someday when I retire, I could do that full time. Once certified, it could also possibly turn into a paid position with one of the organizations like the state DNR or one of the preservation land trusts in the area. They only take a certain number each year to go through the process, but I've got my name in early enough for next year I should have no problem getting in the program. There's also a couple of opportunities to become a photographer for these organizations seasonally. You don't make much, but you get paid a stipend and receive full artistic credit for any work they use in their marketing materials. I almost applied for this year, but I just didn't feel I had enough experience. I'm pretty confident that I can do the job now though so we'll see if I get lucky. :)

In high school and college, my strongest classes were science related (biology, microbiology, chemistry, and physics). I was a T.A. both in H.S. and college for the science departments. (I hated study hall, so I became a teaching assistant instead. :) ) Should have probably pursued it at some point, but fell into flooring and 30 years later, I'm still here. However, it's something I enjoy a great deal which always makes learning easier because it holds your interest.

Here's one of my favorite places... :)
Sunset Sky 1 sm wWM.JPG
You're quite welcome. I'm just impressed at your knowledge base on whatever subject matter you find interesting. Be it your detailed responses to questions being asked about flooring, adhesives.... you have the answers. I see this same thing with your understanding of cameras, work with Photoshop and the critters you photograph.
I know others see that too, and that's why you've been noticed and accepted so well at the reserve.
You're quite welcome. I'm just impressed at your knowledge base on whatever subject matter you find interesting. Be it your detailed responses to questions being asked about flooring, adhesives.... you have the answers. I see this same thing with your understanding of cameras, work with Photoshop and the critters you photograph.
I know others see that too, and that's why you've been noticed and accepted so well at the reserve.
Thanks Hi! That's very kind of you. In college we were taught to be "patient advocates" meaning to look at the things we did from a patient's (or in my sales role - a customer's) perspective. How would we want things explained? As a result, I've carried that with me and try to do the same thing with our customers and the folks who ask questions. The things we deal with in our world can sometimes be very confusing and technical in nature and not so obvious to a consumer or even an installer. I've found over the years that they are often times the last ones to get technical updates because many manufacturing and distributor salespeople will tell the retail salespeople and expect them to relay that information to their installation teams. We all know that very seldom happens for a whole list of reasons. I've always tried to hit both groups, that way we're all on the same page. :)
Then we all learn together...

Saw-tooth Sunflower 2 SC sm wWM.JPG
Thanks Hi! That's very kind of you. In college we were taught to be "patient advocates" meaning to look at the things we did from a patient's (or in my sales role - a customer's) perspective. How would we want things explained? As a result, I've carried that with me and try to do the same thing with our customers and the folks who ask questions. The things we deal with in our world can sometimes be very confusing and technical in nature and not so obvious to a consumer or even an installer. I've found over the years that they are often times the last ones to get technical updates because many manufacturing and distributor salespeople will tell the retail salespeople and expect them to relay that information to their installation teams. We all know that very seldom happens for a whole list of reasons. I've always tried to hit both groups, that way we're all on the same page. :)
Then we all learn together...

View attachment 20043
To honer CP roader, where ever he may be, 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️👍😆🤗🙃🙂
Yes, last I remember his wife was also working on flying hours to get her pilot license. I hope the two of them are running a private jet Uber service 🤷🏻‍♂️
He and his son did big jobs, ....they moved mountains like the Don, our local workhorse, who owns 47% of the Milwaukee corporation. 🤣
This is the place where I'm now a trail steward. The sky was putting on a show this past Tuesday. Ended up getting rained on a little as I was leaving but it was worth it. Had to break out the emergency camera raincoat, first time I've used it in a while.

Arrowhead Prairie 2 sm wWM-1.JPG
Those are the moments a lot of people miss when they aren't out regularly. I see a hint of yellow in the background.
Is it fall yet? I guess it is..... I never heard anyone mention it. Overnight low was 38 🫣 That's 10 degrees lower than what we've been having.
Those are the moments a lot of people miss when they aren't out regularly. I see a hint of yellow in the background.
Is it fall yet? I guess it is..... I never heard anyone mention it. Overnight low was 38 🫣 That's 10 degrees lower than what we've been having.
ahhh...the fall colors are just starting to come into the leaves. We've been in a moderate drought most of the summer. That's kind of prompted some color change in the grasses and plants in particular. I'd say over the next 2 weeks it'll start to really show up if I had to guess. We also got some rain finally from the hurricane remnants.
Looks like something was brewing. The line where clear sky meets the cloud layer is something we don't see like that.
We don't have expanses of flat land, so that's probably why.
Nice image.
....putting on my photographer hat now, nice capture. 👍
Yeah, I got rained on just as I got to the car. Had to break out the emergency camera raincoat that is attached to my Cotton Carrier harness! First time I had to use that in awhile.

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