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  1. G

    Removing a hump in my floor

    Okay, I am assuming that my layers of wood all need to be nailed or crown stapled down to my subfloor ? Then Ardex Feather Finish over that? If I were to use roofing felt what is good to fasten it down with? Thank You
  2. G

    Removing a hump in my floor

    Thanks for the replies everyone. So, is it be okay to use the 1/8 " engineered hardboard (masonite) to replace the particle board that I removed? (It is not advertised as acceptable underlayment.) I also thought of maybe using using 1/4 sureply on the edges. I have a 30 inch wide area to fill...
  3. G

    Removing a hump in my floor

    I have removed a 30 inch wide section down the center of a 34 inch hallway, the 2 inch dimension is what is left of the particle board down each side of the hall to use for a witness or something to level or screed from. The hump is probably as wide a a cement footer block, then tapers outward...
  4. G

    Removing a hump in my floor

    I am looking for advice on the proper method to fix my floor flatness in order to prepare it for LVP “click together planks”. I am renovating 1050 square feet of my home and want to do it correctly. My home is 40 years old and built on a crawl space. When I go around the home with a 6 foot...
  5. G

    How flat does it really need to be?

    I am a DIY and new to the world of LVP installations. I am renovating 1050 square feet of my home to have Coretec original WPC "click together planks". Coretec installation instructions say that the floor needs to be level to 3/16 in a 10 foot radius. My home is 40 years old and built on a crawl...