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Flooring Forum

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  1. J

    Why Help DIY'rs?

    As a DIY'r I appreciate when a pro is willing to answer a question and offer advice and it may even result in giving the pro work at some point or recommending him/her. A pro on another forum was really great about answering my questions and offering advice. I was so impressed with him that...
  2. J

    Slip-Tongue Spline Question

    I'm installing 3/4" solid t&g flooring. I've made up some spline stock for the backlaying work. I've read some info that recommends putting a piece of floor board, with its groove enveloping the spline, beside the flooring nailer to keep the spline at the correct angle as the double-splined...
  3. J

    Add micro bevel to t&g hardwood floor board

    Some of my t&g solid oak floor boards will have to be cut on an angle to abut a header board. I have a router bit to cut the groove and am looking for suggestions on the best way to cut the micro bevel on the top edge. The boards are 2 1/4 inch wide, 3/4 inch thick and are prefinished. I...
  4. J

    Hardwood Flooring on Stairs

    Thank you for your suggestion. No Menards in my area...but I did find similar products at a local lumber yard. Do you use 1 inch or 3/4? Also do you bother to remove the existing tread and riser? I'm aware of a code rule concerning maximum difference in largest and smallest difference in...
  5. J

    Hardwood Flooring on Stairs

    The supplier that I ordered the flooring from told me I was looking at treads that would cost around $80 each. I figured I could make mine for a lot less. I've got the tools and the time. But if you could recommend a tread manufacturer I would appreciate it. There seem to be so many...
  6. J

    Hardwood Flooring on Stairs

    I had to make some transition pieces out of the flooring where it abutts a vinyl floor in one room and a slate floor in another. I had to chamfer the edges which removed the factory finish. The flooring is natural and applying an oil semigloss polyurethane gave an indistinguishable match. If...
  7. J

    Hardwood flooring router bits

    I need to make some splines and like your idea. The grooves in my flooring is 1/4 and most plywood that I see is just under 1/4. Will this undersized plywood be ok or do I need to find plywood that is a full 1/4?
  8. J

    Hardwood Flooring on Stairs

    I'm replacing all wall-to-wall carpeting with prefinished 3/4 solid 2 1/4 inch red oak t&g strip flooring (Muskoka). I would like the same flooring on the stairs leading to the second floor. My plan is to remove the micro bevel from each strip with a router, glue the strips together, route the...