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  1. EliteFloors

    Hardwood Buff and Coat

    Well he didn't want to full sand the floor from what I read. Just asked for a screen & coat. U would have been better off to either leave the floor alone or do a full refinish since looking at what u have was most likely pre-finished
  2. EliteFloors

    Issues with refinishing job

    Well no sand job is ever perfect. What was on the floors before your contractor ever started?! How about some before & after pics?! What brand of stain & finish did u pick out? I've been sanding & finishing floors for 20 years & have seen way worse than this. Where are u located? Hopefully...
  3. EliteFloors

    flooring problem, please help

    Oh jeez. Is that built up finish on the edges where he taped it off? If so, he needs to not tape a section off like that. Id recommend that he buff the whole floor down and do another coat!
  4. EliteFloors

    Hardwood Buff and Coat

    Hello, u definitely have a beautiful home. As a floor finisher, there are so many things that u have to consider. What has been used on the floor in the past and what will bond and give u the best results & of course if u just purchased the home, u have no idea. The Bona is a great product...
  5. EliteFloors

    Transition to tile - aesthetically

    We always put a "header" board in whenever the wood meets up with another flooring type. Looks much better that way! Like u said u only want to do it once. Take your time & do it the correct way & u will always b happy with the results!!
  6. EliteFloors

    hardwood stair tread repair

    That's why using just flooring & stair nosing for stair treads is nvr a good idea!! Need to use an actual stair tread that is 1 1/16" thick and all glued together. Looks like the riser was cut tall enough. Need to take that nosing up & cut a shim to get it the exact height so the nosing is...
  7. EliteFloors

    Can I buff refinished hardwood by hand between poly coats?

    What kind of finish did u apply?! Was it brand new?! Usually the best way is to do do coats so u have some build before abrasion, otherwise it would be to easy to go through the first coat & into the stain. We use sanding tape. 180 or 220 grit works the best for us. Gotta make sure u have the...
  8. EliteFloors

    Replacing some hardwood planks

    Yes u are correct in thinking that the wood that is 55 years older will b darker than any new flooring. Are u going to stain the floor?! If so use at least a medium color stain and it will be very close in color. If not I would recommend finding a supplier that deals with reclaimed woods. U will...
  9. EliteFloors

    Stair treads again

    We alway use a 6" random orbit. 100 grit is usually plenty good with a light stain. Sand in between coats with 220 grit. Or a fine sanding sponge. I always do all coats before installing. I use liquid nails, or actually the poly glue now (can't remember the name of it) usually 2 large tubes does...
  10. EliteFloors

    Edger left white hazy/cloud after sanding

    What kind of finish did u use? How was it applied? It looks to me like there is still wax on the floor. Also the u sand actually will pull all the soft grain out of an oak floor if u use a fine grit like that. that's why the grain looks so funny Sent from my iPhone using Flooring Forum
  11. EliteFloors

    Any info on Genwood Engineered Hardwood flooring?

    Anderson is my fav for engineered. As far as I know it's all American. I could be wrong on that tho. Although I just got done with a big install of diamond living flooring. It's the best Chinese flooring I've ever used. I'm selling a ton of it. My sales rep says it's by far the #1 seller over...
  12. EliteFloors

    Flooring shear

    Well idk bout the skil, I'm sure it works great to, but I won't ever do another engineered floor without the 13" bullet. Cuts that stuff like butter, as fast as u want to go with er. Plus I can hear my tunes, no noisy vac or saw running lol
  13. EliteFloors

    Flooring shear

    Well thanks ken. Like I said, I really don't do much engineered flooring. But I sure am glad I bought the shear. Think it's really gonna help out. Gotta set some 18" tile on a 45 tmr. Just heard the plumber is gonna move the water heater for us in the am. Hope all have a great night & a...
  14. EliteFloors

    Flooring shear

    Lol. Aight then. I was aiming to do tile tmr. But if u insist!!
  15. EliteFloors

    Flooring shear

    So, I bought the bullet 1. Not the top of the line one. Paid $235 with shipping. Couldn't b happier. It's the 13" 1. Cuts this engineered flooring like butter. Way easier & faster than any saw. Plus no splinters like a saw does. That's 1 thing I always hated about engineered floors, the way...
  16. EliteFloors

    Water vs oil poly

    Thanks. I just don't like the look and feel if the water based, to much like a layer if plastic for me. Nothing wrong with it, my dad just raised me always using oil based poly. Guess I just like it better
  17. EliteFloors

    Water vs oil poly

    IMHO I would never use water based in my own home. I actually just refinished the floors in my casa. I hand-scraped them, stained them & put three coats of polo plaz supreme on them. I've been using the polo plaz for awhile now. Can't b happier nor are my customers. Still once in awhile ill use...
  18. EliteFloors

    Water vs oil poly

    What brand of latex have u been using?!
  19. EliteFloors

    Water vs oil poly

    I've had some good experience with the rust oleam brand. It actually has aluminum oxide particles in it, so it seem to hold up well. Of course u would b better off with a dura seal or bona product. I've used them all & for the Money, the rust oleam seems good.
  20. EliteFloors

    Flooring shear

    Thanks for your help Ernesto. I've seen those saws in lowes before, didn't know if they would b much count. I don't do much engineered flooring here in ky. But have about 5k ft to lay over the next 2 months.