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  1. EliteFloors

    Identify this hardwood

    Bona mega. Or top of the line bona traffic is the way to go if u like water based. I prefer good old oil based myself. Just saying
  2. EliteFloors

    Mercier's 1/2" premium wood engineered floor

    How old is the flooring?
  3. EliteFloors


    Thanks everyone. We actually did refinish the existing floors about a year and a half ago. They called me back for the stairway a couple months ago.
  4. EliteFloors


    From the 2 pie treads up, I had to cheat the rail up the rake to meet the post on top of the balcony. If u look @ the bottom of the balusters u can c it, they grow about 2". The owner was happy, so I guess that is what matters. I just couldn't get it any better. What did u mean by the magazine...
  5. EliteFloors


    Thanks for the help Nick. It was under settings - privacy - photos. Had to turn that on, so it would allow the app to use my photos
  6. EliteFloors


    It wouldn't let me finish. Had to year all the old out. Supply & install all new treads, risers, Newels, balusters, & rail. Then of course, sand, stain & finish
  7. EliteFloors


    Just though I'd share a few pics of a stairway we completed today. @ least see if I'm doing this right. It came out pretty good. Not perfect, but we did try. Wondered what people are getting for labor on something like this? We had to tear everything out that was exiting, carpet, pad, tack strip...
  8. EliteFloors


    iPhone 5. Thanks for the help
  9. EliteFloors


    I was trying to get pics off my phone to show a stairway we completed today. It says that I need activate something in settings, but like I said im new to this, can't figure that out. Does anyone now how? Thanks
  10. EliteFloors


    Just wanted to say howdy to everyone out there. I have never been on any forum @ all. I am a 2nd generation floor installer, sand & finisher in west KY. Hope all are as busy as we have been lately. I stay small (2 employees) that way I can make sure everything is done the way I like it. Nice to...