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  1. M

    How thick should plywood be for hardwood flooring?

    In the process of removing the 1/2" particle board and carpet in a loft so hardwood flooring can be installed (I'm not installing the hardwood, I'm having a professional do it. I'm just removing the particle board and doing the grunt work.) There's a 1.5" tongue and groove cedar subfloor that...
  2. M

    Professionals (and everyone else...what's the best brand of LVP currently?

    What are your favorite brands of LVP, taking into consideration price, aesthetics (who has the most convincing "wood" looks) and durability? I was initially set on solid hardwood, but the home I recently purchased is in the woods, gravel driveway, get's quite a bit of snow in the winter, would...
  3. M

    Looking for guidance installing hardwood floors for the first time...

    Pulled out the old carpet and padding to discover particle board underneath (place had wall-to-wall carpet everywhere including one of the bathrooms). The particle board sits on top of a 1.5" T&G subfloor. After I go through and remedy any loose or squeaky boars in the T&G subfloor the plan is...