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Flooring Forum

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  1. W

    New Ride!

    I've been searching high and low for an e90 with low miles and a 6 speed manual transmission. Turns out it is a lot harder than it would seem! I finally found one yesterday (after searching 2 months) that was 60 miles from the house, so I hit the road first thing in the morning to go pick it up...
  2. W

    well, it's official

    After 5 years and thousands upon thousands of sq. ft. laid, I am officially out of the flooring business. I landed a job at the bank in their IT department and I couldn't be more thrilled. I'll still hangout with you guys though ;)
  3. W

    New tablet

    I added a new tablet to the electronic family yesterday. Still on the fence about it, but I have 30 days to take it back so I will give it some more time. Seriously, this thing is huge. Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2 Beside my Note 10 2014 In front of my 17.3 laptop The whole...
  4. W

    allllllllll aboarrrrrrrdddddd

    Well we booked a last minute cruise last night for the fun of it. 7 days western carribean out of Miami aboard the carnival glory. Ports of call include cozumel, grand cayman, belize, and mahogany bay. Should be a blast. We leave out next Saturday. Any of you guys ever been to any of these places?
  5. W

    Forum advice

    I just launched a new forum yesterday in my city that will be a place for the locals to go and discuss events and goings on around the area. My question is, how do you take a forum and build it up to something big that people go to on a daily basis? I've never built a forum from the ground up...
  6. W

    I had a weak moment...

    ... at the gun show yesterday.
  7. W

    Picked up this beast

    It was time for a new laptop so here is what I ended up with. HP 17t-J000 Quad. 17.3" 1080p display 2.8 Quad core i7-4900mq processor 16GB of RAM 1 TB hard drive Back lit keyboard Fingerprint scanner This thing absolutely screams. Of course my laptop wouldn't be complete without a decal as...
  8. W

    How not to install laminate.

    Install you're own laminate flooring they said. It'll be easy they said. I about lost it at 3:08
  9. W

    new guy

    Hey guys/gals, new guy from western north carolina. I've been installing floors now for several years; I have probably around 1000 jobs under my belt now. Laminate, hardwood, and tile. NO carpet or vinyl (vinyl plank, yes) lol. That is not for me.Thought I would join the forum and see if I could...