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Flooring Forum

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  1. P

    It's Time.....

    For the New Zealand ALL BLACKS to kick the worlds butt!!! ...... (Happy to take all bets)
  2. P

    Things are picking up?

    Just reading through the different forums it seems like things a a bit quiet for most installers. Personally, I think it's picking up.... We've had contractors doing work for us a few days a week for the last 3 weeks....aside from what I'm doing myself! The glass is half full people....the...
  3. P

    Seamer Down Now

    I just received my new Seamer Down yesterday (The first one in NZ) What a great tool! I will be doing my best to get more of these into NZ. Every carpet installer should have one, the results are truely amazing!
  4. P

    Carpet made from recycled plastic bottles

    Hi all, I'm halfway through installing my first ever job using a carpet made from recycled plastic bottles. It has a soft backing. Here in NZ it's called ClearTouch BCF PET (Carpet One here call it Tundra) I know it's made in the USA cos it says so on the backing! Just wondering if there...
  5. P

    Music you Love

    I was just wondering...... What sort of music does everyone like? For me.... I love Bob Dylan, Lately I've been listening to a lot of Tom Petty... But depending how the mood takes me.... I can go to ....pretty much anything.... thoughts?
  6. P

    A new apprentice?

    Had a call from the local apprentice co-ordinator today..... Do I want to take on a new apprentice..........? Not sure I have the patience any more
  7. P

    Just a thought

    Could it be possible that installers..or anyone in the flooring industry..who doesn't want to get involved in a forum like this, maybe is quite simply not that dedicated to doing their job properly? Just makes me wonder.... Some of the installers I know might be a little embarrassed at how...
  8. P

    A Successful KoolGlide Experiment!

    Here's an experiment I did the other day.... I was working in a rural area, miles away from the workshop. I had no sewing gear and no suitable glue on board and I found I had a concrete step with a curve on it which I had to install carpet on conventionally....... Hmmmm.... I found I had...