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Flooring Forum

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  1. EliteFloors

    Floor equipment theft

    I couldn't imagine being robed of my equipment at gun point. Anyone on here ever hear things like that?!
  2. EliteFloors

    Crazy vehicle thefts
  3. EliteFloors

    Tile saw?

    What tile saws is everyone using? Got some big showers & floors coming up, so was going to invest in a new saw to make things faster hopefully! Need something to be able to cut at least 18" on a 45. Thanks in advance for the replies
  4. EliteFloors

    Flooring shear

    Does anyone use this. I've got a few 1/2" engineered floors to do coming up soon & thought I might try to pick 1 up if they work. Any help would b great. Thanks, Tim
  5. EliteFloors


    Just though I'd share a few pics of a stairway we completed today. @ least see if I'm doing this right. It came out pretty good. Not perfect, but we did try. Wondered what people are getting for labor on something like this? We had to tear everything out that was exiting, carpet, pad, tack strip...
  6. EliteFloors


    Just wanted to say howdy to everyone out there. I have never been on any forum @ all. I am a 2nd generation floor installer, sand & finisher in west KY. Hope all are as busy as we have been lately. I stay small (2 employees) that way I can make sure everything is done the way I like it. Nice to...