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Flooring Forum - DIY & Professional

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  1. J

    Previous owners went self stick tile crazy please help.....

    I just wanted to thank you guys. Both of your suggestions combined worked well. I used a circular saw and cut it up into chunks about 2'x2' then used the shovel to pry it up. I won't even pretend it was easy, but much easier than anything else I was trying. I was amazed that the chunks I pulled...
  2. J

    Previous owners went self stick tile crazy please help.....

    That makes sense. I'll try it out later today. Thank you.
  3. J

    Previous owners went self stick tile crazy please help.....

    Hi my name is Jen and I own a 91 year old house in Massachusetts. I'm in the process of refinishing the hardwood floors (well softwood Douglas Fir) and even though I have no clue what I'm doing I think the one room I sanded came out pretty good. I posted a picture and I appreciate blunt feedback...