
Flooring Forum

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  1. FightingPandas

    Black Mastic Removal and Grinding Basement Concrete

    Just finished removing about 1,400 of black mastic, tested negative for asbestos, using Blue Bear Mastic Remover in my basement. The basement's sump pump tile was apparently re-poured at some point leaving unlevel sections that the scraper can't full get too. Wanting to see if anyone has any...
  2. P

    Basement flooring without finishing walls

    I'm looking to put down some flooring to give the basement a clean look. I'm considering the new Lifeproof (plastic?) since it is waterproof. The issue is that I do not plan to finish the walls with framing and studs due to various reasons. Our concrete walls are painted white and look clean as...
  3. S

    Pouring LevelQuik; Holes in Floor

    I need to pour ~20 bags of levelquik to level my basement floor before I put an actual floor on it. Do I need to pour it all at once? I've poured small pads of concrete, but this is my first time using LevelQuik. I do plan to use an acrylic bonding agent. Any other advice? Also, there are...