A few questions on my first install

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New Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hi all

been looking around the internet for answers to my questions but came up empty and as I am a regular on various forums on varied subjects though Id sign up on here to see if I can get some advice from you guys.

this is my first wood flooring install but intend to do more of my house as I go along I feel pretty competent but a few areas concern me

I am doing a entry in Brazilian walnut 3/4 x 5" plank the bellawood from LL
my sub floor is 3/4 t/g plywood house is 20 years old
here are my main questions

what are your recommendations for a nailers I will be using 18 gauge cleats as to not split the tongues i am not worried about cost as I will sell the nailer once I am done and I hate using inferior tools that dont perform I was looking at the portanailer Thoughts and if there are any other tool recommendations let me know your opinions ?

I have already pulled up the existing floor and am in the process of sub floor prep there are some low spots and was going to use 15# felt to fill is there a max I should use before considering gluing down 1/4 plywood and sanding to feather in ?

as the flooring is 3/4 I think I am correct i need to leave a 3/4 gap for expansion? what I was considering doing was to cut the drywall so I can include a gap and hide with baseboard as I do not want to use a quarter round to hide the gap good Idea or not ??

My main concern which is worrying me is at the widest part of the entry the planks end on a stair nose each end as the entry floor is 8" higher than the 2 rooms it joins to how would these plank runs be installed ? and what about plank movement from expansion as the stair-nose is nailed down. I really would like to install this myself but this is my main concern. I have a full woodworking shop so if boards need to be routed or milled in any way I can do it on site.

any help from anyone is much appreciated and if you need pictures or floor-plans posted to assist in answers just let me know
I would go with the powernail flex 18g, that's my go to gun for exotics. Stairnoses are not nailed. Generally they are pre drilled with a countersink bit, glued, and screwed with trim screws.
You can get up to six layers of felt max, if the depressions are deeper than that I would try layers of luan or ply. I have cut drywall before to avoid using a shoe molding, it is a huge pain in the ass if you don't have a jamb saw. A multi tool is another good option and, while slower than the jamb saw, is a better option than doing it with a utility knife.
As far as the stairnose is concerned, I would just make sure the ends meet up to it. Depending on which way you're installing the floor, you Monday have to use a spline molding to join the floor to the nose.

(sorry for the multiple posts. I couldn't remember all of your questions. Long day.)

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