All Them Trees

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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
So in get into the Roanoke airport and rent a car. I got the Google maps all printed out for getting to the hotel where the Guild class is being held, got it down for getting there. Hey, who needs a stinking garmin. Trouble was I made a wrong turn right out of the airport cus the directions don't match the street signs. Needless to say I was in the sticks lookin at cows in ten minutes, not on I-81. Luckily i stumbled on the correct path about a half hour later. Its the damned trees. Who can tell which way north and south is when all you can see is freakin trees. lol

On the way back i thought i was prepared, reversed the map on Google maps, print it out again. Problem was i had to leave for the airport when it was dark. Course its raining, ran into fog and the cars damned window washers only work on low. Took a wrong turn cus who the hell has three different ramps for getting onto one highway? Pulled over, got the smart phone and hooked up to maps beta version with the little Lady who guided me back on track.
Trees, fog and rain. Sure as heck glad I made my flight and am back home. Thank the Lord for GPS and Google beta maps.
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Nice sig, finally. lol

Yea, I didn't bother even checking my phones app for the google beta maps thing nor a compass. Yes my truck has one. I kinda take it for granted out here I have a pretty good idea where the heck I am going direction wise since we can see out for fifty miles. The wife has all that **** in her car which we mostly use when traveling long distances.
Ernesto said:
Nice sig, finally. lol

Yea, I didn't bother even checking my phones app for the google beta maps...

What's the beta version, the one that talks?
What's the beta version, the one that talks?

Yes, had no idea it was there. I have used the maps but just noticed the start arrow. Gotta have GPS on, input your destination. Worked well. Especially when its foggy and raining and your windshield wipers only work non low speed so its pretty dangerous looking at a small screen.
Ernesto said:
Worked well. Especially when its foggy and raining and your windshield wipers only work non low speed so its pretty dangerous looking at a small screen.

Roads are just too busy to be inattentive...I tell Siri take me to -... And she does. All through my Bluetooth voyager legend.
I can't figure out wether or not Siri is a mans voice or a womans. Kinda creeps me out. ;) Much like when a guy winks atcha. :D It would be pleasing if you could pick a nice sexy female voice. Preferrably Latin, like Penélope Cruz.
I have my Garmin set on Jill.
You're not going to convince me he went up the hill with Jill.;)
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I hold my finger to the wind and look for the moss on the north side of a tree............ don't need batteries fer that.

Here moss grows on all sides of the trees. I thought it was only on the north side until I got lost in the woods hunting. I also looked to see what direction the grass was laying before I went in but that didn't work either. Good thing I could whistle really loud and my buddies found me. I probably would have still been wandering in those woods.


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