Crazy customers

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Everyone has dealt with that one crazy customer. I had one who had me carpet over the stool opening in a bathroom in a new house so their 3 year old would be "safe". I suggested that if she was worried, she should just lock that bathroom door, but no. On one of the stairways, I didn't know if it was to be wood or carpet until the last day. She bought the stuff to do either one. She had a carpenter put up all this fancy wood trim just the way she wanted it, then changed her mind and had him tear it out and start over. The bricklayer was half done with the front of the house, when she decided she did not like that pattern after all, and wanted him to tear it off and start over. He quit. She was a school counselor and her husband was a psychologist.
Had one both were Bank presidents . All imported stuff went in the house . they had every trade rip it out and change it .

They had the roofer install 6' x 12' sections of different colors on the roof , then they flew over the house in their Helicopter to pick out the color .

Them kind of people need one behind the ear .
i worked in a 2 million dollar addition where the lady of the house had them repaint the interior four times---upcharge of 80 k
My brother installed carpet in a home and was running short of time. He asked the customer if it would be ok for another installer to complete the hallway. She said OK.
He called to see if all went well and she said it looked great....................... but the other guy used a stinger. She said she couldn't see any damage, but just knowing the holes were there, bothered her.
My brother had done the measuring on this job, and to eliminate seams, there was plenty of carpet to re do the hallway................... which is what she wanted. She said she'd pay him to redo it and he agreed. When he removed the carpet, she saw the hall was done with three sections of pad................... she didn't like the hallway pad having seams, so she had him remove the pad and lay down a single piece.
I'm pretty sure she slept a lot better knowing the hall pad was now seamless. :eek:
For the life of me i can't understand why some installers use the stinger .

I never even hear of it till i joined the floor forums .
For the life of me i can't understand why some installers use the stinger .

I never even hear of it till i joined the floor forums .

On the rare occasion that I do an old trailer house, I will use one. You can't stretch off the walls. In the old days, I would have kicked it, but not with my bad knees.
Got paid for rolling out turf in a back yard. I thought it was odd when I pulled up with 300 yards of turf at a house. Cut it around the fence and laid rocks on it. Saved the glue for later.
Had a customer supply the stain for approx. 100 ft shoe molding for her kitchen then didn't like the color of the shoe. We replaced said shoe with another color that she picked at N/C except for labor. She then refused to pay her remaining balance of 6 or $700.
Small claims court in North Carolina is a joke and a waste of time and money.

$75 fee to have a hearing. I've taken 1 person to SC Court over non-payment and the magistrate ruled in my favor. He then informed the dead beat that the law does NOT require payment. All it does is enter a judgement against him.
That's a joke Happy . Costs $25.00 , and if you win they have to pay .

You can always take him for a ride in the trunk of your car . :D
Small claims court in North Carolina is a joke and a waste of time and money.

$75 fee to have a hearing. I've taken 1 person to SC Court over non-payment and the magistrate ruled in my favor. He then informed the dead beat that the law does NOT require payment. All it does is enter a judgement against him.

Same thing here. To try to collect it, you must go back to court. We had a lien on a business building for 7 years, but they only had to pay if they sold it.
With a judgement, you can't touch their house, car, personal property, clothes, furniture, you can go after their bank account, as long as it isn't Soc Sec, disability, or welfare check. If you go after their paycheck, you have to go back to court.
another crazy customer, Divorcee bought carpet from us 12 x 15 and wanted to argue about the cushion. Wanted the best, we sold her a dense rubber cushion. 22lbs a sq. but she argued that 8lb bonded was better. :rolleyes:

Went to install said carpet and cushion on a Friday afternoon and when the installer was cutting the cushion she saw it tear a little beside the t-strip. She ran the installer out of the house. Called me at 7am Sunday morning cussing and using the F word so I hung up on her.:mad: I called her Monday morning and she was still hot because we hadn't sent another installer out but I assured her I would be out later that day to look at the "torn" cushion. I arrived and looked at the "frayed" cushion edges and proceeded to remove the cushion, I loaded up my carpet and cushion told her she needed to buy carpet from someone else and I would re-fund her deposit. :p She probably is still not happy with me but I could care less.:D

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