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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
too high on square footage so he decided to cut it back one box. The net plus 15% landed between one box. My account manager knows to run it up a box. But no, he thought 10% would be fine.
The two rooms are all angles and they wanted it run diagonally. Guess who had to order another box and pay freight. Plus my minimum to come back.
He spent mega bucks for this 9 inch x 6ft LVP.

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My waste was minimal. He saw it. His wife gave me a large tip to persuade me to come back and finish.
My contract specifically states i get paid in full for work performed should there be a shortage.
Really nice people though.
Right before i ran out i asked him to bring me that last box. Lol I kinda rubbed it in a little.
My waste was minimal. He saw it. His wife gave me a large tip to persuade me to come back and finish.
My contract specifically states i get paid in full for work performed should there be a shortage.
Really nice people though.
Right before i ran out i asked him to bring me that last box. Lol I kinda rubbed it in a little.

10% with an angled room like that?
Nice that they were nice people. Makes everyone a winner in a situation like that.
Ive done large rectangle rooms on a 45 and barely went over 10% but still over.
You can try saving some cuts for when you hit that wall on the other end where the angle will fit as a starter but you may end up with to many starter planks.
It just dont make sense, pence makes no sense.
Ive done large rectangle rooms on a 45 and barely went over 10% but still over.
You can try saving some cuts for when you hit that wall on the other end where the angle will fit as a starter
but you may end up with to many starter planks.
It just dont make sense, pence makes no sense.
....or you could spline all them little pieces together to make up some longer planks. :D