Day off?

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Do you ever really have a day off? A day to nothing if you want to do nothing. I can't remember a day like that. Between my wife, kids and grandkids, I have something that I must do every day. :(
Do you ever really have a day off? A day to nothing if you want to do nothing. I can't remember a day like that. Between my wife, kids and grandkids, I have something that I must do every day. :(

My kids are gone. My wife works more and makes more money than I do. We have ZERO debt, not even so much as a car loan. I have LOTS of days off where I don't HAVE to do anything.

9-10 months a year is PLENTY of floorcovering work the way I see things. I did the 52 weeks a year+++ God only knows how much overtime for over 20 years. Not too many guys MY AGE (54) can keep up with me on the type of commercial resilient work I specialize at. I'm not racing anyone but I can give it 100% for 8-10 hours. Then I want to go home. Tomorrows another day.

Any more than that.........12-14........15........16 hours is ABSURD and I find most men will give you 8-10 hours worth of work no matter how long you keep them on their knees. It's kind of like beating a dead horse or trying to get blood out of a stone. If a man BUSTS ASS for 10 hours he ought not have much left in the tank.

I'm talking about human beings here. Not about those from the planet Krypton.

But yeah rusty, being a home owner there always something I could do......probably should do......but I don't HAVE to do it.....THIS YEAR!!!
Every once in a while I tell my wife im going to do estimates and I go surfing instead. Phew, I feel like weight has been lifted off my shoulders!
Every once in a while I tell my wife im going to do estimates and I go surfing instead. Phew, I feel like weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

So how do you dry off........clean up and LOOK like you just came home from work?

That's got to be a hell of an act right there.

When I come home from work I LOOK like I've been working........damn near 100% of days.

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