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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
I don't know where everyone else stands, but on the "knee" thing. Talkin' sports here, not carpet.
Families can pay nearly a thousand bucks to travel and take their family to see a professional sports game...... football for instance, since that started the chatter for over a year now.
Knee, or no knee? Personally, I like Trumps view. His statement actually.
Please don't make this into a political rant. Trump simply stated my exact viewpoint on this subject. I like and agree with the words he chose. Set some rules and kick em out on their ***** if they can't follow their employers demands/requirements.
People who pay to see football, or baseball, track or whatever go for entertainment and pay a lot of money to enjoy the game...... for many, it may be a once in a lifetime event.
I don't understand why mega salaried players are allowed to create such a distraction for their own personal gain (or loss) on the fans time ....better yet, the fans dime.
Was it the Cowboys??? ...that put on pink stickers for breast cancer awareness month, and then one player who's mother had cancer or had recently died from it, .....was not allowed by the NFL to wear a pink sticker on his helmet after that month? OK, he can't support his mom's situation with a small pink helmet sticker......... but it's just fine and dandy to show disrespect to our country including servicemen who died protecting it...... by taking a knee. Kinda like flipping the bird in my view.

These guys could stage a public square sit in at a local park, go on TV interviews, make their case on Twitter or a thousand other ways.
How come they are allowed to do their protests publicly during the national anthem. I think it's a disgusting way to begin a ball game....... or any other event that begins with our national anthem.
Free speech is a federal term, not an employee right. If I was employed by McDonald's, and after work I went outside and held out a sign that said "Eating beef is murder" .......I'd be canned by my employer.
Under free speech, I can hold up that sign. .....but my employer can legally fire me.

I guess the NFL has a bunch of spineless, scardie cat owners that are simply afraid to set some rules. They are afraid to be politically or unpolitically correct.
.............or scared to be proud of our country? :eek:
It's possible to love this country, and still protest things that you view as unfair, unequal, or whatever. Out of respect, don't do it during the national anthem and on the fan's time/dime.
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A high school football team stayed in the locker room until the anthem was done. ...then they came onto the field.:rolleyes: I would have got up and and walked out.
On the local news, the coach justified/rationalized that the kids had the right to do so because of their right to free speech. I guess this is what happens when the kids are allowed at a young age to make up their own rules.
Some day these kids will become parents. :eek:

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