Fabrica Cotton Club

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New Member
Sep 25, 2016
After doing a lot of research and reading we thought Fabrica was the way to go....turned out it was a very bad experience for us.
We went with the Fabrica Cotton Club and the sample pcs. were very nice. We bought the carpet at the biggest Midwest furniture store and everything went very well until the day they came to install our carpet. The salesman had cut off a pc. of the actual store sample and told us to make sure the carpet they brought, was correct color and density.

We were shocked to find out the face weight was not EVEN close to what we had in our hand. We declined the carpet and the installers left. After many phone calls to the dealer, Fabrica rep, and even tried to call Fabrica, but all they said was "talk to your dealer" The dealer agreed with us completely and the Fabrica rep even checked to see if there was another roll at Fabrica. After 4 days of going nowhere we decided to go with Masland brand....apparently Fabrica samples are not as good as what you get. AND, don't start on blossoming etc. this carpet was not even close except for the color, which was Dolphin by the way.

So here we are with our whole upstairs tore up for another 4 weeks until our new selection comes in. We picked out Masland's Shangra La Too as our new selection and the dealer gave us the upgrade for all our trouble.

So for any new carpet buyers beware of the Fabrica Cotton club !!
Back in the 80s, many of the carpets came in different weights. I quit a store because the owner would sell the heaviest and send out the lightest. I told a customer first that he was getting cheated and gave him a sample of each.
What turned me away from Fabrica was that they stated the Cotton Club only comes in one weight. It definitely came from Fabrica as the color was perfect, so not sure what happen, but something has changed in their quality.
What turned me away from Fabrica was that they stated the Cotton Club only comes in one weight. It definitely came from Fabrica as the color was perfect, so not sure what happen, but something has changed in their quality.

Are you definitely sure? There are many times that there are knock offs. When I first moved to my area there was a big thing going on where stores showed you one thing but gave you something else even from a different manufacturer.

They still do it here .

I have told more than one store owner that if they tried to cheat a customer, I would tell the customer if I found out. One store owner always sold customers 30-50 yards more than they needed. But of course he just sent out enough to do the job.... The last time, He sent me out with the ticket to collect. I saw that he had cheated them. I went over the ticket with the customer and showed them where they were cheated. I left them the ticket and the material and told them that they had him. I went home and never talked to him again.
It has been a few months since we had our carpet finally installed and I wanted to post a final follow up. We ended up going with the Masland Shangri La Too. Let me begin by giving Masland a big thumbs up. The sample they sent us was EXACTLY what showed up at our door. We absolutely love this carpet and the installers did a super job. After all we went through with the dealer, they did make it right. They were also frustrated with Fabrica. When we tried to call Fabrica they were NO HELP at all. Masland were just the opposite and went out of their way sending us the sample and no surprises.

Thanks for all the help here on the forum and I hope this topic gives future buyers some heads up.