Specifics: Rental unit, Lr, Dr area, over oak plank flooring , using soft back plush carpet. The last installation we turned and tacked at the 10’ wide archway that leads into a family room.
The dilemma / over thinking
is about making the archway finish , a more installation friendly method. Option #1: Coventry tap down metal ? Opt # 2: Tackless rubber or vinyl reducer, color brown ( same as carpet and wood stain) This reducer comes with a raised profile that the tackless butts up to, then cut/tuck into the 3/8” lip. Opt.# 3 ( not my favorite method ) “Z” bar ( invented by our member Z
) because the brothers have
plenty of stock.
I’m trying to avoid using the staple gun, as with T/T or bind to the edge and tack or tack and install flat metal.
What say you ? Thx !
The dilemma / over thinking

plenty of stock.
I’m trying to avoid using the staple gun, as with T/T or bind to the edge and tack or tack and install flat metal.
What say you ? Thx !