Gold Heist

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Someone had to have messed with the alarm. I'd say it was an inside job. Check the Mayor's pockets.
Someone had to have messed with the alarm. I'd say it was an inside job. .

That's the word going around already. Kinda funny, when you walk in the front door of the courthouse, the gold is on your left. Directly in front of you is the body scanner and two sheriffs all day long. A few years ago somebody brought a gun into court, so big security from now on. Obviously not for the gold though.:rolleyes:

These guys either had big kahonies or they had inside help. The sheriffs dept. is right behind the courthouse.
Would the department have been comfortable having $3 million in cash in that display table?
Wow, surprising they didn't have it behind some kind of metal bars or barricade in addition to the glass. That's sad.
Would the department have been comfortable having $3 million in cash in that display table?
Wow, surprising they didn't have it behind some kind of metal bars or barricade in addition to the glass. That's sad.

Up until 2005, gold was only worth 3-400 an ounce. Once the price sky rocketed to 17-1800, no one thought to improve the security on the display, seeing that it hadn't had any problems before. An unfortunate over sight at this point. The higher the price, the more the temptation.
@ 2,000 an ounce thats around 1,500 ounces stolen. But I hear large nuggets fetch much more dough. I know gold weighs a lot. I wonder who figgured the price. Thats tempting for just about anyone these days. Heck, even at $400 an ounce. Pretty brazin theft considering the cops are next door.
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Gold gets priced for many different qualities. Weight, shapes, purity of the gold and unusually large sizes are a few that will make certain gold pieces worth much more than just by the ounce pricing. The one that looks like, and is the size of a small womans shoe, was worth quite a bit more than it's weight value. I know if I had one like that, I most certainly wouldn't have a need to wear knee pads anymore.:)
16 ounces is 16 ounces. They are the same. Now if you are talking Troy ounces to the reg ounces it maybe different. I don't know the exchange rate.
There are 12 Troy ounces in a pound. I just looked that up.

1 troy ounces = 0.0685714286 pounds

But a pound is a pound.

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