DarisMulkin Supporting Member Supporting Member Pro Joined Jul 11, 2011 Messages 4,842 Location Davison, Mi, Michigan Apr 23, 2012 #1 I knew the Kiwis were rich people but this is a little over the top. http://now.msn.com/money/0422-hundred-dollar-smokes-in-new zealand.aspx Daris
I knew the Kiwis were rich people but this is a little over the top. http://now.msn.com/money/0422-hundred-dollar-smokes-in-new zealand.aspx Daris
Ernesto Professional Pro Joined Jun 25, 2011 Messages 6,251 Location , AZ Apr 23, 2012 #2 That would make it cheaper than weed prolly. Then you'd have a bunch of stoners running around.The black market will take over, imagine lots of landing craft on the beaches filled with bacca. I think $14 a pack would make me quit, thats nuts.
That would make it cheaper than weed prolly. Then you'd have a bunch of stoners running around.The black market will take over, imagine lots of landing craft on the beaches filled with bacca. I think $14 a pack would make me quit, thats nuts.
B BudCline Well-Known Member Joined Jun 29, 2011 Messages 269 Location , Apr 23, 2012 #3 The taxes on a pack of cigarettes there is 62.5%. Does that surprise anyone?
J Jon In memory... Supporting Member Pro Joined Jun 28, 2011 Messages 2,901 Location Northcote, Auckland Apr 23, 2012 #4 I sent the video of this news item to Nick asking if he still wants me to still send him adoption papers so he can live here. Nick never replied
I sent the video of this news item to Nick asking if he still wants me to still send him adoption papers so he can live here. Nick never replied