Hello I am so happy I found this site. I recently bought a house that has oak, finished on-site hardwood and I am looking to do a buff and coat (no resanding) before moving in. The house was built in 2007 and the hardwood is simply in need of a refresh. I have attached some pictures. The existing finish is an oil-based polyurethane. I have had a few hardwood contractors come in and they seem to all recommend a different approach - oil vs. water poly. I had one contractor claim the BONA Traffic HD is by far the best finish and can be applied over oil giving excellent results. On the other hand, I have had other contractors claim that water over oil results in poor adhesion and cracking down the road and to stick with an oil finish. Can someone help me out on this as I am not sure who to believe? I know that water-based poly has lower VOCs, virtually no odour and dries quicker to allow for a shorter period of time to be away from the house. In my case, I will not be living there for a few weeks. I just want to go with the best solution. Thanks for your help.