has anyone ever tried using a 6 or 7 inch sanding disk on an EZ Clark 3 disk orbital

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New Member
Aug 24, 2021
Hi I am new and I am soon to have an EZ Clark 3 disk orbital floor sander to refinish some floors in houses we will be remodeling. I know the Clark machines call for a 6 7/8 sanding pad. but the 6" and 7" are about a third the cost. so just wondering if anyone has ever tried using a 6 or 7 inch sanding disk on an EZ Clark 3 disk orbital
Aren’t the 3 disc sander pads Velcro? The ones for the edger aren’t so not sure if they will even work but I like the idea. That and the hole and relief cuts on the edger discs could cause problems while sanding.
I found some hook and eye sanding disc that are just like the Clark ones except they are either 6" or 7" instead of the 6 7/8 that the Clark ones are. So I am wondering if anyone has ever tried using a different size .
Give it a shot. Maybe you just found a new source for sanding discs. I’d say go with the 7” ones. An 1/8” bigger is no big deal.

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