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I do enjoy me some jazz once inawhile, rather listen to some blues. Buddy Guy is coming to Tucson!

All the parquet I installed was Bruce, either solid or 3 ply engineerd. Sold outa Standard Brands as well as retail outfits.

It actually was my second installation of wood I ever did. The people who owned one of the oldests flooring stores in town called Carpet Giant; called my boss (licensed contractor) who installed for the other stores to install the parquet because they didnt want their own installers knowing where they lived. :rolleyes: I ended up doing it, all the while hardly knowing my azz from a hole in the ground as far as wood goes. I just treated it like a VCT job. :eek: My boss gave me a compund miter saw, some glue and basically threw me out in front of the bus. First wrap around walls I ever did too. I was scared to death.

Thats the first time I pulled out my chalk line and did control lines.

That was probably 1979 ish.
