Hello guys. So how do you quiet loud creaky, poppy sounding wood floors. We love the floors they are really shiny prefinished 3/4" solid oak hardwood floors in our house built in 2001, but it's getting to the point where in biting my teeth at night because the floors are so loud I worry about waking the baby up! Here's the kicker, my basement is fully finished with drywall on ceilings too so shimming from below is not an option. I think the main issue is the subfloor underneath because the adjoining room with carpet makes loud pops and cracks as well. But the hardwood is my main concern as I know I can fix the carpet room when I replace carpet next year. The one small area (furnace room) in basement where I can see the subfloor bottom looks ok and don't see any discoloration from any previous water damage. Any ideas for a possible remedy would be appreciated. Thx