Problem here is that the "old floor" has already been "refinished"...... recently, refinished within the last 5 or so years ...............refinished to retain "some" of that old patina.
Lighter in the centers of most boards and darker on the edges of some. I will assume that the refinish job was an oil based poly, but not sure.
I will have to esperiment on a few boards, then take them up to the job and see how well I did............. then proceed from there.
Never having installed any nail down unfinished wood, I don't know what to expect as to the evenness in thickness of the new fir boards.
Should it be pretty darn close, or worse than I might expect?
New board are 3 3/8 inches, but to match the original boards at the job (to keep the lines straight) I need 3 1/4" width and sometimes up to 1/16 less.
I can run the boards through my saw or a planer to "thin them up" as needed. I can also sand off or "soften" the square edges of each board slightly during the sanding and scuffing process
That's my big question tho.............. when nailed down, just how even should I expect the board edges to be to each other?
I am guessing very close and not a big issue in my situation?