Microsoft is just plain dishonest

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
From PC World...I've often said that people who don't produce content (write, program, art, make movies, etc.) should probably be using a tablet to consume content. I believe that very strongly.

Microsoft attempt to force people to upgrade to Windows 10 is now forcing people to disable automatic update. Way to go Microsoft. It's gotten to the point to where Microsoft changed the [X] button in the upper left hand corner of the window to mean "YES, I agree to install Windows 10".

This is sad.

In any GUI environment there has to be a simple way to close out a program. Many operating systems have an [X] gadget to do this. What Microsoft is doing is exploiting the trust of the users that the [X] button will function as it's supposed to and tricking them into accepting the upgrade.

This is wrong! At best it's dishonest and manipulative and at worst it could be illegal.

Microsoft should feel honored though. They've officially, in my book, have reached the level of "BonziBuddy" or those awful tracker browser toolbars.

Yeah, Windows 10 is now Malware