Positively Positive!

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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
So the economy goes. Out here The Ole Pueblo had several large road upgrades shovel ready when the first Obama recovery act was initiated. A few are just finishing up and reall helped beautify the area. The roads were in horrible shape.

They put up art work and pretty walls, plants, do small bridge work ect. All this takes all kinds of materials to do, in turn puts lots of suppliers to work and they hire people. Those people have money and spend it on........wait for it......FLOORING! Yea, love it.

The city started a downtown renovation project. Thats going on as the largest Gem and Mineral Show in the nation is going to start piling in. Those people rent out every hotel room in town for three to four weeks.

Raytheon missle systems (formerly Hughs Aircraft is getting more contracts to rebuild tomohawk missles and top secret stuff.

Bombardier's Tucson service center just announced they are going to add 116 more jobs. Dang, I better send my resume for interior work. :)

Then of course we have one of the largest Air Force bases in the country.

Things are looking up and our unemployment rate is dropping fast.

Cherio! :D
My stepson moved out a month ago after 4 years of living here again.


Hey, this is a positive thinking thread, no Betty Bummer stories allowed. :p

Instead you should have said : My son is still living with me and I enjoy his company immensely. I hope he never moves out. hee hee
Things here are such that I took a part-time job. Twenty five miles, one-way, for three hours per day.
I landed my gluedown stranded Bamboo job! I was way higher than the local LL guys ( where it was bought) , and charged for moisture testing, floor prep, gonna have lots of prep due to demoing 300 sf of satillio tile. It's not going to happen for two weeks though and I need to fill inbetween. That job will last till the other 1200 sf laminate job starts at the end of the month. Both found me on Craigslist.

If one of you guys are in town you can help. As a matter of fact, I am thinking about starting a training school for gluedowns on concrete. It includes mositure testing and proper documentation, floor prep/ grinding etc. All ya gotta do is show up, I will supply breakfast and lunch. Cost will be $1,200.00 for 5 days. Then your outta here. :)
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I have been looking, can't find anything.

Rusty, this one has nothing to do with the flooring industry at all.

Hell, I've been mowing lawns. Inspections have picked up this year over the last couple, but they're a far, far cry from paying the bills. At least I'm not flippin burgers.
If one of you guys are in town you can help. As a matter of fact, I am thinking about starting a training school for gluedowns on concrete. It includes mositure testing and proper documentation, floor prep/ grinding etc. All ya gotta do is show up, I will supply breakfast and lunch. Cost will be $1,200.00 for 5 days. Then your outta here. :)

Ernesto, I would love to fly out there and help you, let me go look for that $1200!:rolleyes:

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