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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
Things to do in Tucson. Astronomy is really huge here with three major sites. The multiple mirror site in the Santa Rita mountains is not open all the time. Picture is at Kitt Peak just southwest of town. Mirror lab at the UofA is really cool too. The Mt. Lemmon site is 30 minutes from my house going from 2,500 ft in the sonoran desert to nearly 10,000 ft up in the pine trees..
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That's a decent grade. I've never looked out of one of those real telescopes. ...come to think of it, have I ever looked out of a real telescope? :confused:
That's a decent grade. I've never looked out of one of those real telescopes. ...come to think of it, have I ever looked out of a real telescope? :confused:
Well there may be a couple you can look through if I remember correctly during the night tour, but most are for interstellar science and it can take hours to grab a pic from deep space. I haven't been up there for years.
It is a steep grade from the desert down below. I've ridden my bike up there once and it almost killed me. On the way down it is fast and furious. I hit a small rock on my Peugeot and almost went over the edge. The solar telescope is very cool. solar scope..jpg

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