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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.

No animals harmed at supermarket meat counter?

This comment appeared in the January 4, 2009, Kankakee Daily Journal : “To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you; you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed"
“To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you; you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed"

That's pretty funny stuff right there. If those people that belive that were to see how it is (food supply) animals are really slaughtered I wonder what they would have to say. They would all be vegans.:)
Had to be a vegan to write that.

Ever see what a wheat harvester does to those pretty wheat plants? Stick yer arm in there and find out. It ain't pretty. :D
That's pretty funny stuff right there. If those people that belive that were to see how it is (food supply) animals are really slaughtered I wonder what they would have to say. They would all be vegans.:)

I worked in a slaughterhouse for about a year. Nasty, nasty job.
We live about 100 miles (2 hour drive) from New York City. We hosted a Fresh Air child ( A child that only has lived in the city all his life) and served him corn on the cob one night. He was with us for 2 weeks. The last night he was with us, my wife told him he could pick anything for supper. He replied " I want that vegetable on a stick we had that one night". He thought corn grew in a can! So sad!!!!!!!!:(
When I was a kid my parents owned a restaurant. In those days you could go pick up your own (fresh) beef sides from the slaughter house. Dad took me up to the "kill floor" a couple of times just to see how it was done. Gruesome to say the least. The odors weren't near as bad as the sounds on the kill floor.

Then dad would buy live chickens by the truck load and we would slaughter our own chickens in mass. I won't describe how we did it but that too wasn't all that pleasant. I do remember that blood flowed freely on the floor of dad's slaughter room. Fairly disgusting.

Even at that, I still eat and enjoy my chicken and beef and pork on a regular basis.

For someone to think that none of the meats at a stores meat counter didn't come from a like source is simply a very low I.Q. person. I wonder if they like mushrooms. We all know how the best production-mushrooms are grown.
I grew up on a chicken farm that had between 120,000 to 130,000 chickens at a time. We raised pullets from a day old to 20 weeks when they would start laying eggs. When it came time to ship them out (20 weeks) we would keep all the roosters because the next guy only wanted the laying hens. Why feed a bird that ain't gonna lay anything. I lost a few girlfriends chopping heads off roosters and letting them flop around in front of the girls.:eek: For some reason I thought they would enjoy that!:D
When my son was 4ish and eating breakfast I'd just cooked him, I asked him where he thought bacon came from. He looked at me with assurance and answered, "From the pan Dad" Out of the mouth of babes.

It is a wee bit disturbing to me, how many ADULTS are so clueless about where some food comes from.:rolleyes:

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