Strange feelings

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
A few days ago, three young boys fell through the ice on a pond near here. An 8 year old died. It brought back bad memories.
Back in the 80s when I lived in Buckner Mo, three small boys fell through the ice just a short distance from my house. The Gragg brothers all died.
A few months later, their mother hired me to put carpet in the house. I will always swear that I heard children's voices in that house, but I was the only one there.
About 10 years ago, my daughter's boyfriend (they were soon to be married and he's the father of my grandson) was murdered in a public housing apt. About a month later, I had to change the carpet in that apt. I was really uneasy, but I had to do it.
Anyone else ever feel, uneasy about doing a job like that?
We showed up to a jobsite one morning to find a customer had passed away just before we got there. The family had us come back after everything was taken care of. I swear to God I felt a pat on my back and no one was there but me.
I can have a morbid sense of humor at times. On the job that the guy comitted suicide in, well my helper got sick if he saw a dead animal in the road. He made me go i first to cut out the pad. Well everything was removed from the area down to the bare floor. We had to do the upstairs and basement and he wanted the basement. So anyway working in the kitchen I found a piece of drywall mud that was real thin and cupped. I called for him to come up and I showed him the piece of mud. He asked what it was and I said" I THINK IT IS A PIECE OF SKULL." He ran out of the house screaming and got in the van. I ended up finishing up the job myself. Costed me but hey it was fun.

i did an embalming room at a local funeral home----house about 150 years old ---every creak had me sweatin bullets---could not wait to run out of there
i did an embalming room at a local funeral home----house about 150 years old ---every creak had me sweatin bullets---could not wait to run out of there

The funeral homes embalming room that I've done were all with drains and such in the floors and nice marble tables where there were drains to catch any left overs. The rooms also had bodies in them, one of a guy who had been autopsied and another of an old woman. They took us in for a look see.

We always had to work in the funeral homes at night. You would hear the pumps and equipment running made it kind of eery feeling at first. After the first few days you settled down, that is until the owner who lived upstairs came down at 3 in the morning in his PJ's and stood behind you and coughed. My helper about **** himself.

I have done viewing rooms in funeral homes. That was close enough for me.
My brother and I were working in a hall next to one of the viewing rooms. They told us there was a viewing from noon to 1pm. We scooted our tools out of view and made ourselves disappear for a while.
Next day they had another one.............. My brother noticed the name on the door was the same as the previous day. He asked the funeral guy if the same guy died twice. :eek:
They had forgotten to change the name on the door. Man were they thankful he saw that. :D

I did an embalming room once. It was coved 4 feet up one wall. Day two, there was a casket in the room. I always wondered if they were messin' with my head. (no, I didn't peek)
Those funeral people can be real characters.
My brother and I were working in a hall next to one of the viewing rooms. They told us there was a viewing from noon to 1pm. We scooted our tools out of view and made ourselves disappear for a while.
Next day they had another one.............. My brother noticed the name on the door was the same as the previous day. He asked the funeral guy if the same guy died twice. :eek:
They had forgotten to change the name on the door. Man were they thankful he saw that. :D

I did an embalming room once. It was coved 4 feet up one wall. Day two, there was a casket in the room. I always wondered if they were messin' with my head. (no, I didn't peek)
Those funeral people can be real characters.

In the home where the owner came in behind us, well we were working a Saturday during the day. The room we were doing was dead center of the funeral home where they would talk with people about the plans. It was also glass on 2 walls. The curtains on the room was open and people would walk by and laugh. So I went out and looked in to see what was so funny. On the one pane of glass there was a sign. It said "DON'T FEED THE ANIMALS!" So they have a sense of humor also.
They also eat very well. Food was brought in or cooked on site and it was always very good stuff.


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