Tips on new backings

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Thanks Daris. Good tip Roland .
Tell em you're Italian and you need your hands to talk with . Maybe they will get you a headset . :D
Which sealer are they wanting now? I know over the last several years they have changed back and forth from latex to 2-part and back. And this is asking the IVC rep every time I installed some. Haven't talked to him lately.
Daris, I have a question for you about backing. Watching the video, there seems to be many changes to carpet backings. I work mostly residential, the only 2 backings I see are action back and soft bac.Although I have done a handful of what I call tighty whitey(like soft bac, but slipperyer)
The small shop that I work for mostly carries Shaw products, but some Beaulieu,Coronet,Kraus, and Sutton. I have never seen most of these backings that he mentioned. Are they easy to identify?
The tighty Whitey you mentioned maybe Beaulieu's luxury back. Looks almost like Shaws softback but the fleece is the secondary and not the third backing. Softback you can see the action back through it.
Some of those backings you will see that they are definitely different others not so much. If there is any doubt about one contact the mill and see what their install instructions are, especially on the seaming instructions.
I believe their are more attached type backings coming out for commercial than anything else. Roland would probably see them more than I would as I'm not actively installing anymore, only occasionally.

The only backings I have seen here in the last 20 years is action, unitary, a little sofbac(it never really caught on here) and a rare jute or two. And a Kangaback, but not in the last 10 years.

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