Tis the season!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2011
Quakertown, Pa
It seems every year about this time we get an onslaught of crappy carpet with flaws. Is it the time of year or do we just get unlucky? In the last 2 weeks, I have had a zigzag darker row that ran for about 10 feet. Today I rolled out a piece 15 foot wide with 2 lighter streaks through it.
I am an hourly employee and have the privilege of rolling out all my installs about a week to 2 weeks before I do them to inspect them. Since I install 99% of the carpet they sell, I get to see every piece.
How bout you guys, how often are you seeing flaws?
How bout you guys, how often are you seeing flaws?

Way more often than I use to. I find it hard to believe that the inspector at times, still is willing to put his/her name on the product. I mean, after all, no matter how many people that are getting paid at the mills to "Inspect", it always comes down to, if it gets installed with a defect, no matter how noticeable, it's always the installers responsibility, right?:rolleyes:

I won't give the customer an install date anymore until the material arrives and is the correct product, size and no shipping damages or defects. The customers always agree.
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Do you see an inspector/quality control guy here? lol

I worked for a store one time that the owner was ALWAYS short on his carpet dimensions. Others there claimed (and it was a standing joke) that he was so tight with money that he would order carpet and then expect it to grow while on the truck on its way to the store.:D
Oh..I never shoulda started watching rug making videos! Now I'll never get nuthing done.

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