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Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2011
Davison, Mi, Michigan
Well all the grocery stores in my area are out of TP. Oh whoa is me, wait I bitch at my wife because we have like 20 pkgs on hand at all times. so I'm good. Why the hell is there a run on tp? I would think everyone would be stocking up on food instead.
Well all the grocery stores in my area are out of TP. Oh whoa is me, wait I bitch at my wife because we have like 20 pkgs on hand at all times. so I'm good. Why the hell is there a run on tp? I would think everyone would be stocking up on food instead.
... because you have it all. I've got just one 4 pack. I may have to stop eating if I get low. :eek:
Well the gov has shut the schools down for 3 weeks here. Will it do any good, I doubt it. Now the teenagers will be out running the roads, going to the malls and mixing in with us old folks. Will probably see an upswing in the virus. I'm suposed to have shoulder surgery on the 7th, I wonder if I will be tested for it? Almost cancelled but I can hardly move my arm anymore without serious pain, almost looking forward to the surgery and getting it over with.
Oregon has 30 confirmed cases. Population of 4 million. Doing the math I come up with .0000075. Those aren't very good odds if I tried to get infected.
We can't get near the ships. There were half a dozen foreigners were walking towards Walmart from near where a chip ship is loading. (Yes I was profiling them) 😁 Foreigner ship workers are easy to identify when they are walking around town.
Customs supposedly checks them out before they are allowed to roam the streets.
How much fuel does a top fuel dragster consume making a 1/4 mile run?
This much, from staging to the time the finish line.

...and they have 8 cylinders doing this.

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