Uninstall Quiktime

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
WINDOWS USERS: Uninstall Apple’s QuickTime now!

If you have a Windows computer running Apple's QuickTime video player, you might want to think about uninstalling it. That is the advice of the Department of Homeland Security's United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, or US-CERT, after two new bugs were discovered in the software.

The bugs in the software could be exploited by a cybercriminal to attack computers when users visit a malicious website or open an unsafe. The warning only applies to the Windows version of QuickTime, so Mac users don't need to worry about it. Apple never supported the program for Windows 8 or 10 -- the two most recent flavors of Microsoft's operating system -- and its last security update was in January.

So, if QuickTime is still running somewhere on your PC, here is information explaining how to remove it sooner, rather than later: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205771
Just saw this . Also you should not put any info you don't want hackers to get on your smart phone, I phone .[etc]. They are using a SS7 network that has a few backdoor openings in it .

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