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Started off the day by replacing the filters on my HEPA vac. I put a vacuum bag in it as well. The suculation is strong again. 💪🏻

Back to the countertop at hand. It’s for our new shop so it doesn’t matter, but it does. I’d say it matters more because this is the countertop the boss will be looking at every day. I took my time and routed down the sink. It came out perfect. I didn’t even cuss that much. I did have to take a break from time to time because my hands got tired of holding the router’s balls (the handle are wooden balls) so tight for so long.

After that was done we heated up some mineral oil and bees wax to make our own butcher block butter. Super simple to make. We hot waxed the top then buffed it in. I hit the sink while I was at it. Came out damn smooth.

