Worst job I've ever seen

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
I was sitting and talking to another installer about messes we had seen and remembered this one. If you have had a similar type experience, please tell about it.

I had installed a whole house of $50 per yd carpet (this was the early 90s) for a pharmacist. A few months later, the store told me that the guy wanted some $30 yd Solarian installed in the kitchen and dining room and asked for me. When I got there, I realized that a "carpenter" had installed luan over rubberback carpet and nailed it with roofing nails. When you walked on it, it was bouncy and the nails were popping out. I called the store and he called the owner and explained to them that it wouldn't work. The owner said for me to go ahead, he wanted it to fail. That was what his wife wanted in the room and he didn't like it. He figured when it failed, he would get what he wanted. I declined the job. Never did hear what happened.
I also had one where the lady had a hard time deciding what she wanted. The great room was two floors high. The back wall was all windows and the carpenter built it three times to her specs before she found one she liked. When I went to the house the last day, she finally decided she wanted the stairs carpeted instead of finished wood. This same woman had me carpet over the stool opening in an upstairs bathroom, so the 2 year old wouldn't play in the stool. I suggested that she just put a lock on the door but she wouldn't. Oh and the woman and her husband were psychologists.

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