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Are you all following Trump on the news?
He's going to be your new President? :D

There's a real chance he gets in.

"They" are putting on a good show this year to create the illusion of a democratic process. Millions are now excited about Hope and Change. Ring a bell? It's a new brand of Hope and Change this season but it's still very entertaining and the goal is to get enough people to the polls to vote for a Democrat or Republican ("They" own both) to allow for the rationalization that the people have had their say.

After the show is over we go right back to 4 years of rule over the world's economy by the global corporatiist oligarchy while the Great Unwashed continue their petty squabbles over the issues that don't really matter to the economic forces.

Blah, Blah, Blah...............

Got a letter today in my mailbox from Tasmania! Wasn't that a surprise? My son had filed for a refund on his recent Visa application. He's in Japan so he asked me to open it up and check inside the letter to see if he's got any money coming back. REJECTED.
Are you all following Trump on the news?
He's going to be your new President? :D
It will be interesting to see the difference between a community organizer and a guy with a lot of business and financial experience in the house.
Got a sciatic nerve pain so bad my brother has put my socks and shoes on for the past 11 days...........

Stater pulled me over and wrote me a warning that described the crack in my windshield as "operating an unsafe vehicle"
815.020 Operation of
unsafe vehicle;
(1) A person commits the offense of
operation of an unsafe vehicle if the person
does any of the following:
(a) Drives or moves
on any highway any
vehicle which is in
such unsafe condition as
to endanger any person.
(b) Owns a vehicle and causes or know-
ingly permits the vehicle to be driven or
moved on any highway when the vehicle is
in such unsafe condition as to endanger any
(2) The offense described in this
operation of an unsafe vehicle,
is a Class B
traffic violation.
[1983 c.338 §437

The officer proceeded to tell me that "the crack compromises the structural integrity of the uni-body design of my vehicle" ....meaning my 1977 "unibody" full size 1/2 ton Chevy van"
He made no mention that he really pulled my ugly old van over because this type of vehicle will be more likely to score an uninsured, or unlicensed driver... or somebody with an outstanding warrant.
This really pissed me off. He probably had his radar on and he was parked almost on the white line on the opposing side of the 2 lane highway. An 80,000 pound wood chip truck was coming towards me............... the large truck, the cops car, and my van were going to be side by side at the same moment. This is a two lane highway, and being the nice guy that I am, I decided to pull to my right a bit to allow the chip truck more wiggle room when the two of us passed by the cops vehicle................. which was parked almost on the white line.
See what I get for being nice. The cop did a quick U-turn and followed me for 4 miles.
The crack is a single horizontal crack below my field of view, does not spiderweb at all, does not continue all the way across the windshield nor contact any edge of the glass............. and it's size has not changed or gotten larger whatsoever in the past 20 years that it's been there. There is rust on the upper side of the window rubber, (the officer doesn't know that), so there is no way the glass can be replaced.
I owed a shop $150 and did a $495 whole house restretch for them....... this is the first job they have offered me since early November. They deducted the entire $150 from my bill, even after I told them I have a shutoff notice on my electric bill. Pisses me of royally since I didn't charge them, for all the hours I worked on that job...... now I wish I would have.

.......oh, and I forgot to write down a $32 check to the grocery store, so it gets even worse. Makes me wish I hadn't sold my .44 :rolleyes:

Load carrying capacity of windshield filtered 800.jpg
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Had the sciatic for a year when Regan was in office . It took me 45 minutes to put on a pair of socks.they shot down my disability claim because they said i could lift 25 lbs.

After going to Dr's and traction i finally when to a chiropractor who fixed me up .
Had the sciatic for a year when Regan was in office . It took me 45 minutes to put on a pair of socks.they shot down my disability claim because they said i could lift 25 lbs.

After going to Dr's and traction i finally when to a chiropractor who fixed me up .
That's where a cute young lady walks up and down your spine, right? :D

I have had a damaged sciatic nerve since 1980. They told me it would never heal. I said. I wish I hadn't sold my .44. :rolleyes: 1/2 my left foot is partly numb, my calf feels stiff and my upper ass fells like there's a hot poker in it. This sucks because I actually have a little work right now.

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