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Would it be wise to abandon EV technology ?

Would it be wise to abandon cleaner air quality ideas, not for the planet, but for our lungs. ?
Trading clean air in the US for children working in foreign countries digging 500,000 lbs of rocks and dirt to produce one car battery...
I need more time on this one. 🤔
Let's not even get into the amount of copper required for making the motors and wiring for the cars... And the 200,000 charging stations, plus a couple of dozen charging docks at each one of those.
Nuclear power is the only realistic way to get power for the cars. A different type of battery with technology will be required, not lithium ion... It will need to be 100% safe to charge cars in a homes garage.
Nearly instant charging will be required. How many people want to wait 15 or 20 minutes at a charging station?
To effectively "save the earth", there will need to be 1.5 BILLION electric cars if you plan to replace them all.
Where's the copper coming from.... The lithium? The electricity ... Not from wind and solar. This isn't a 5 or 10 year conversion....more like 30 to 50?
Sure, we have to keep researching the technology to get from A to B, but we'll be colonizing Mars long before electric cars totally replace Petro fuels.
Where is the dirty air? I visited Lod Angeles in the early 70's. In the 80's the air looked cleaner.
Driving a 3500 lb car with 4 occupants, 100 miles today produces the same pollutants as running a lawnmower for an hour. The car uses 4 gallons, the lawn mower 1 gallon.
Lawnmowers are going electric rather quickly...... Not because of mandates. People like them. 😉
We will get where we need to be if the government would assist instead of on insist.
One other thought. Why did cars come into existence?
Need and $$$$$ (greed)
Why did petroleum become so popular?
Need and $$$$$ (greed)
Why have electric cars become more common?
Need and $$$$$ (greed)?
Why are colleges, inventors, scientists and corporations studying and improving non Petro energy sources?
Need and (greed)?
.....there's money to be made in finding a way to replace Petro with electricity. Greed will take care of it 😉
I laugh at the fact that our politicians allow other countries to pollute the air, expecting our country to remain clean. As if there is a wall protecting our air from other country's air. Pretty dumb IMHO.
I laugh at the fact that our politicians allow other countries to pollute the air, expecting our country to remain clean. As if there is a wall protecting our air from other country's air. Pretty dumb IMHO.
Even though we have advanced technology to mitigate our so called cleaner air space, we still rank in the top three or so of polluters…… High is definitely onto something with the 2 cycle engines…. EV those bad boys and it should help.
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This guy brings EV fantasy into EV reality.
How many % of our population are renters?
Figure out how to make EV ownership even slightly possible first. If it's not possible, a new drawing board and game plan is required.
This is why EV mandates are just plain moronic.

Could Growing pains of new technology be mitigated better and if so how ?

I believe that question points towards finding solutions, all be it a mandated one or a free market one, but the goal doesn’t change. If we Focus more on the goal and less on who’s the mandator 😉 we may get there sooner and smoother. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Could Growing pains of new technology be mitigated better and if so how ?

I believe that question points towards finding solutions, all be it a mandated one or a free market one, but the goal doesn’t change. If we Focus more on the goal and less on who’s the mandator 😉 we may get there sooner and smoother. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ok, here's mine.

Think under the car.

Think of thinwall torpedo tubes, 10 feet long and 1" in diameter.

Think rows of tubes, 50 wide and stacked 15 tall.....750 tubes in all.

If each tube had one heavy duty rubber band inside it, coupled to a single gearbox...........

Service stations would become winding stations...... What, 4 minutes max?
Originally Posted by AP 1922
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from [U.S.] Consul [George] Ifft, at Bergen, Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the Gulf Stream still very warm.

Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.

– The foregoing AP article was published in The Washington Post on Nov. 2, 1922.
I could tell by the first two sentences that I'd need to scroll down and see what the date was. 🤣
Nothing in the archives of people protesting burning whale oil for lamps?
I bet that wasn't carbon neutral.
According to the program ‘ love thy Nature ‘ ( Top notch Scientist ) The Earth is believed to be a living organism with regularity mechanisms 👍🤔 That being said, it only makes logical sense that we are never going to be 100% in tune with Mother Earth’s responses, And ! If you’re ok with that assessment, wouldn’t it be understandable that some of the population / Scientists may identify these climate changes as a cause of Human Industrialization Climate Change, rather than Earths natural regulation. ?

If the answer to that question is yes or possibly yes, then why do some of the population/ Scientists strongly oppose and sometimes ridicule others ?
According to the program ‘ love thy Nature ‘ ( Top notch Scientist ) The Earth is believed to be a living organism with regularity mechanisms 👍🤔 That being said, it only makes logical sense that we are never going to be 100% in tune with Mother Earth’s responses, And ! If you’re ok with that assessment, wouldn’t it be understandable that some of the population / Scientists may identify these climate changes as a cause of Human Industrialization Climate Change, rather than Earths natural regulation. ?

If the answer to that question is yes or possibly yes, then why do some of the population/ Scientists strongly oppose and sometimes ridicule others ?
Most of the difference is driven by money. A few scientists, like Dr. Roy Spencer, say that they were offered money to change their opinion on climate change. He says they offered him a research grant if he would say that climate change is caused by men. He refused and now can't get anything published. People, like Obama, are making millions off the restrictions.
According to the program ‘ love thy Nature ‘ ( Top notch Scientist ) The Earth is believed to be a living organism with regularity mechanisms 👍🤔 That being said, it only makes logical sense that we are never going to be 100% in tune with Mother Earth’s responses, And ! If you’re ok with that assessment, wouldn’t it be understandable that some of the population / Scientists may identify these climate changes as a cause of Human Industrialization Climate Change, rather than Earths natural regulation. ?

If the answer to that question is yes or possibly yes, then why do some of the population/ Scientists strongly oppose and sometimes ridicule others ?
I like clean rivers, lakes and air, but that's different than the climate alarmists.
At some point people need to understand it's impossible to put a thermostat on earth. What if mother nature intends or arranges a 20 year drought and we have the ability to stop it? Should we? 🤔
different than the climate alarmists.
It’s funny how we all pose questions and they go unanswered 😂…. So let me start: No ! I don’t believe we should intervene with the weather….unless a ‘ highly speculative cause and effect’ issue can be sorted out, and mitigated.

Alarmist : If they didn’t exist, I wonder were we would be. Just like taking Earth’s temperature, we can’t really measure the impact alarmists have, because everything is so speculative. Flexibility and ability to understand each other is the
cartilage protecting mechanism, but us humans like to take absolute sides 😢