I worked for food the past 4 days............
A good friend needed help with a project that she and here hubby were not doing very well with
as a team. Ya married folks know that husbands and wives don't always see eye to eye on how to do some things.
...so she called up her loyal friend (muah), and asked if he'd be kind enough to help out with the construction project. I told her if she paid for the fuel, I'd keep workin' until a payin job came my way.
Kind of a fun project turning an un-square out building into an insulated, sheet rocked space where she could set up a sewing and hobby room.
Hubby seems to be more patient with the electrical stuff so he ran the wiring out to the building, and to the shop, and installed the heater and outlets. Me and my brother have been figuring out how to make the sheetrock hang flat and smooth with the uneven studs and rafters. ...........we ended up making the partially vaulted ceiling
level. That said, because of the way the building's rafters were constructed, the vaulted center portion of the ceiling is now close to 3" out of square with the 12 by 12 building. Never thought I would allow myself to go 3" out of square in a 12 by 12 space. Hey, it will be fine............. it's
just the ceiling.

If I did it differently, the ceiling and window would have so far out of parallel, and that's really the focal point of the room.
Anyway, me and my brother have had some
really good dinners the past few nights. Her hubby is a fantastic cook........... last night's BBQ steaks were even better then the BBQ ribs we had the night before.

Yes, with all the trimmings and peach cobbler afterwards......... all that stuff.
Wish I could find some real work tho...... much as I am enjoying the food and company, the bills keep comin in. This is a nice distraction from reality.
Couple of small things in the works, but they just ain't ready yet.
Labor day was a work/play/eat day, and also a new unforgettable day for me as we took some time off to do a little target practice with Paul's array of guns and my old Ruger 22 Single six that I brought along.
It's been a while, but soon discovered that shooting my 22 revolver and his 22 semi auto were old hat.
I had, however, never shot a 45 semi auto, and it's been
years since I sold my 44 mag. Anyone ever flinch?
Long story short, at 25 yards, when you flinch
really, really bad from fearing the gun's recoil
it's actually possible to shoot a full
18 inches low at 25 yards and blow a 1 1/2 inch hole clean through a 2 inch tubular metal corral fence.
A 1 1/2" hole with a 45 you ask? The hollow points that he had in the clip were nasty when they hit the fence's metal tubing. They blew a 1 1/2" hole penetrating
into the tubing and the exit hole was about 1/2"
...... and dead centered in the steel tubing. I thought the entrance hole was always the smaller one. Hmmmm.
I am never living that shot down as long as I live. I felt bad about the fence............ they think it's funny how bad I can shoot. Hey, I shot a 6 inch group along with that one stray shot, so on average, not so bad.
I guess it was a good Labor day after all.
Hope you all had a good one too.