Be a while before I see one. Closest place is over 90 miles away.Oh, those Mod cakes are the bomb! I had a friend pick up a dozen for a get-together once. We are all hooked now!
Be a while before I see one. Closest place is over 90 miles away.Oh, those Mod cakes are the bomb! I had a friend pick up a dozen for a get-together once. We are all hooked now!
No, I don't produce enough blood and I am bleeding internally. Dialysis just cleans your blood.Wouldn't dialysis do the same thing? I failed the doctor's exam, so just asking an honest question?
It’s seems strange that they can’t do anythingYou have insurance, so be your best advocate and demand they fix the problem, not just put a band aid on a gashing wound!
Or, in other words, one group sits on their butts and demand that the government takes care of them, while the other group not only takes care of themselves, but volunteers to help others.Brooks points out that these differences go beyond just what households donate in money. He cites studies showing that conservatives are more likely to do things like donate blood, and to volunteer. Much of this difference he credits to the comparative religiosity of conservatives. The fact that liberals call for government to help others while conservatives feel called to help directly also seems to factor into differences in behavior.